(January 12, 2017 at 1:17 am)Minimalist Wrote: I think I saw this on a Star Trek episode.(read in your best kirk voice)
Quote:Kirk confronts Lazarus, and pushes him into the "dimensional door." Kirk heads back to the Enterprise, ordering the ship's phasers to target the dimension ship. The two Lazaruses meet once more and fight as phaser beams vaporize the ship, sealing the two for all of eternity, caught together between universes.
Just saying......
If.. I. remember-correctly... La-zerus and anti-lazerus... were-trans-demintional... Kop-ies, of. each. other. Iff. Kirk and Anti-Lazerous remained 'behind the deminsional door.' it. would. destroy. our/kirk's universe as it did his.. That is why the two lazerus' had to be seal in the 'time machine.' (they canceled each-other out, you see.)
Placing me and new douche behind said dimensional door would destroy this universe.
Man. minnie... what is it to be wrong about absolutely everything... even your generation's star trek? I get being wrong about Abrams-trek but TOS?!?!?