Most of them never had a grip on reality to begin with. His base is comprised of people that don't believe in common ancestry among animals, believe 9/11 was an inside job, Obama is a secret Muslim born in Kenya, global warming is a conspiracy, the EPA is a group of communists, Dems are coming to take their guns, and gay people are coming to get their children. They are paranoid beyond belief, believing any media outlet or academic source that doesn't promote their world view is out to get them -- it always goes back to some conspiracy that only they can see. Ironically enough, they trust the most dishonest propaganda as serious reporting: FOX, Brietbart, Info Wars, NewsMax, HotAir, WSJ, etc. To top it all off, they trust fanatical clergymen to inform their politics, as opposed to reporters and actual experts.
Modern neoconservativism has so many things upside down and is full of so much facepalm, that I can't help but sometimes feel secondhand embarrassment for some of the people that repeat it's common myths and conspiracies. It's so cute when they call us 'libtards' while spouting mindless disinformation that can be debunked with a ten second Google search. You know the type, the kind of people that will talk about the mainstream media as being liars, and then go on to quote a Brietbart article. Reality is something these people simply have no relationship with at all. It's like talking to a being from another planet . . . wait, any aliens would probably be smarter than them too.
Modern neoconservativism has so many things upside down and is full of so much facepalm, that I can't help but sometimes feel secondhand embarrassment for some of the people that repeat it's common myths and conspiracies. It's so cute when they call us 'libtards' while spouting mindless disinformation that can be debunked with a ten second Google search. You know the type, the kind of people that will talk about the mainstream media as being liars, and then go on to quote a Brietbart article. Reality is something these people simply have no relationship with at all. It's like talking to a being from another planet . . . wait, any aliens would probably be smarter than them too.