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If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video]
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video]
(February 9, 2017 at 3:31 pm)MTL Wrote:
(February 2, 2017 at 2:20 pm)Drich Wrote: So... If God wanted to talk to you you admit that He can.. but if He doesn't then He has to be senile or can't.

Here's a crazy thought.. What if it simply takes a measure of humility to identify what God may have already have told you. Or to put it another way.. What if God has already spoken with you? How would you be able to recognize him?

Let says if you have the ass hole attitude that God MUST speak with you or be senile or He cant do it.. Puts you in the wrong mind set.. Or rather puts you in the same mind set the Saducees and Pharisees were in when they encountered Christ..

Meaning when Jesus Rolls up and says I am the Christ, the Messiah. They can't believe Him. Why? because they expected something/someone so completely different they could not believe they in all of their wisdom could be so far off, in their belief and worship of God.

In other words those idiots were soo caught up in what they thought God and in turn the messiah should be they missed who He was.

My question to you is, how do you know God has not already spoken to you?

God spoke to me via a big scary black man/The last person on the planet that I would think to Hear directly from God From. How ever I was able to put down my expectations of how God was to approach me, and listened to the words Big Scary said. It was by His words (found in scripture) that validated the message, and was also later confirmed when specific predictions began to take place. Predictions I would have never heard if I first did not recognize my role my need to be humble enough in that situation to hear him out.

So again, Can God speak to you, yes. Is He going to do it on your terms? He might, but I can almost 100% say He won't. Why? Because we are all commanded to humble ourselves before HIM and HE will lift us up. Not demand God dance a gig and play to our sterotyps. If you learn to humble yourself before God as He instructed, then you might realize all the times God has been shouting at you, but you refuse to hear Him, because he did not approach you on your terms.

As usual with Drich, I don't know where to begin with such drivel.

The bible also talks about those who Ask, Seek, Knock.
A/S/K is EXACTLY! What I mean when I say Humble yourself before God and allow Him to lift you up. So it very good you decided to go here.
Quote:You are so prepared to blame the human, in some way or another...for missing God, or failing to humble themselves enough, but,
Abso-friggen-lootly! There are 3 parts to A/S/K I can promise you that no one who has completed all three parts has failed to be given what God promised/See God.

Quote:A.  You have no idea how sincerely people have searched or prostrated themselves before God.
Here's apparently problem 'A.' with your version of 'A/S/K' You believe the "S" in A/S/K stands for sincerity. The problem? being sincere has nothing to do with what God is asking for here, nor what His ultimate answer is.
Quote:It is mindless, brutally cruel, and indefensibly arrogant for you to state that the fault is theirs; that they simply failed to humble themselves enough or listen closely enough. 

I've said none of those things. I simply said your "a" is not part of the equation. If it is not what the God of the bible wants or expects from you then why would he honor your effort, by giving you everything you want?

God here by telling us to A/S/K and providing the example of the man asking for bread late at night, was his way to show/teach you how to approach, and the lengths you must be willing to go. Why?

Let's say for some crazy reason you did not grow up in the 'one true and right christian church.' That your parents in their worship and your church's worship may be close but is not the perfect expression of Christianity it need be.. Therefore you have a squewd or corrupt vision or understanding of God.

Now let's say you did your little sincerity dance and God begins to answer you prayers... Now who do you worship/who do you thank? the God of the bible, or the God of your religion for those answered prayers?

Jesus tells a parable of the wise and foolish builders you familiar with it?

The house we build is our faith. The surface we build on is either solid (true picture of God and what he says/means) or sand which I will narrow down to mean 'religion'/what we think of God. How we think things work with God.

Let's then say your 'sincere efforts/prayers' are heard So what does God do next? According to Christ He sends the wind and the rain to test what it is you have built. Can you understand so far? Sincerity buys you your first real trial, to test your faith. Only if you continue to Ask and Seek (because that is the definition of knocking) will you see your self clear of the wind and rain God sends.

Once the wind and rain clears you will note that not all your 'faith'/your house was taken away. What you have left will have been built on the rock. it is then your job to either relocate or dig down deep and find more rock to build on. Only after you 'build your house'/faith can you invite God over to dinner or even to stay.

Quote:I am so goddamned tired of hearing that answer, from a bunch of ignorant theists who have no fucking idea what they're talking about.
Spit Coffee If you actually take time to read what I have to say you will note, I am not going down that path.

Quote:You were not there, you were not present, you are not omniscient, you were not in those people's heads or hearts or lives...in short, you don't know shit, about what happened in someone else's life, so shut your mouth about things about which you have no knowledge.  Your experience was not my experience, and everyone else's experiences carry just as much validity as your experiences do...maybe more, who knows.
but, i do know the system and I do know if you are not currently knocking as ASK SEEK KNOCK (Until you get what you are looking for) then you have not followed the instructions left in scripture. Which is absolutely critical if you intend to seek out the God of the bible. This may not be such a big deal to your specific flavor of the christian god, but then again you've already proven that, that version does not exist. However to meet the God of the bible it is critical, because he must first have you drop your version of God and have the humbleness of heart to accept that you've been wrong all this time. Then with seeking and reading the bible you will begin to build a picture very quickly of who God is, and it won't be very long then after will you see this picture in life.

Quote:And, Drich, not only might their experience and sincerity have outstripped your own, but I have reason to think it probably did, because you are the one presumptuous enough to preach at others about their inadequacy.  If you had gone through what they'd gone through, you might not be so quick to condemn other people's inablity to find God.  YOU would have more humility.  Your slip is showing.
I do know there are alot of people who have been made to endure alot harsher things than me. But again so what? being made to endure or being faced with hardship is not apart of the A/S/K path. It is not apart of the humility required to continue to knock even when you perceive silence. None of the things that you put great stock in have very little worth when it comes to the humility needed to keep knocking.

Again maybe that is why you failed, for you and your verion of the christian God suffering buys you favor, and so many others who think they can buy favor with God through hardship fail. One does not gain worthyness by hardship. Hardship is but a tool God can use to either harden your heart or soften it. Meaning it simply brings to the surface who it is you are deep down/inside. There are many who face hardship so that they may have their hearts hardened.

Quote:Mother Teresa herself mentioned how she prayed all her life into the void and never once heard anything back from that void.
 Maybe that's the problem, she was praying into the void. Maybe she never knew the God of the bible, but only the version of god who empowers they guy in the funny hat.

Quote: I was raised in a Baptist family and was taught repeatedly to listen for the "still, small voice" and reminded that God works in mysterious ways and that I don't know what God is thinking.  I don't need to be reminded.
Have you read any of my experiences? Everytime God wanted to get my attention it was not with a still small voice. It was usually with a big bat, until I learned to listen. I say that to say God will give you exactly what you need when you need it.

Quote:B.  You also fail to acknowledge that humans are imperfect, and are doing the best they can.
God however, is supposed to be divine and perfect, and He has no excuse for not doing better, IMO.
It's seems you don't understand the scale of perfection. Perfect is not about what you see as flawless but what God ultimatly decides to do. Perfection is not a standard in which God must strive to obtain, but a word describing what God does. No matter what you think He should do.

Quote:Also:  God doesn't need the humans as much as the humans need him, does He?
He sits upon His throne in Heaven, perfect, self-sufficient and in need of nothing;
Do you not understand the difference between need and want/desire?

Quote:While on Earth, even amidst their admitted unworthiness and imperfections, it is also true that billions of truly desperate humans would LOVE to find God, could really use His presence in their lives, and sacrifice everything they can just to get a bone thrown their way....
No they wouldn't. They want their version of what God is supposed to be, or they want a genie.
If billions wanted the God of the bible then they know by the bible his second comming will not be... pleasant. So then if those billions truly want God then they would be praying for "His Kingdom to come." Basically everything the book of revelation describes.

No they want a god they can tap to do the things they themselves can't get done by plotting and scheming.

Quote:....Yet you ascribe all the blame to those poor tortured wretches who would be ecstatic to hear from God,
for THEIR failure to hear from HIM.

Quote:That's like telling a heartbroken, insecure teenage girl that the insensitive jerk she's been dating hasn't called her because she did something wrong, after she's done everything she can to make him happy, when the plain truth is that he is just a selfish insensitive jerk who didn't appreciate her and doesn't care who he hurts.
Or telling her that jerk was not who she thought him to be and the reason she was with him had to do with what others thoughts were on the relationship and not about love or relationship itself.

That her 'relationship' was tested and it failed because it was not built on the right foundation.

Quote:Moving on:

You say that we have to be prepared to accept God in whatever form He comes,
even if it is the last thing we want to see him as being.
Like say the God from Revelation.
Quote:I have been saying the same thing to Theists.

What if your "Scripture" has NOTHING to do with God? 
What if God does indeed exist, but is more like an amoral, dispassionate scientist,
who doesn't care if people murder and rape each other?
Then nothing would matter. Even if I decided to live and worship God as i saw fit.

Quote:Are YOU prepared to accept God in whatever reality He might actually exist?
Panic oh-noes... no one in 15 years has ever asked such a ground breaking question like that before how or what will I do? I know!!! Mock you, and say yes I am ready to spit in the eye of Muslim God or some ahole who has been leading me around falsely by the bible.

Now are you ready if the God of the bible is indeed the one you must answer to?

Quote:Can God speak to you, yes. Is He going to do it on your terms? He might, but I can almost 100% say He won't

Quote:No, no, you cannot.  You cannot say anything about God would or would not do.  You have no idea.
Actually I have a very good idea as it is all written down in a book called the bible. I've read and studied it for a long long time, and I can indeed speak for God where He has already spoken.

Here James said Humble yourself before God and HE will lift you up. Jesus modeled this in His life.

Quote:Talk about a lack of humility.

Messages In This Thread
If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by robvalue - February 2, 2017 at 5:55 am
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by robvalue - February 2, 2017 at 12:54 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Chad32 - February 2, 2017 at 1:08 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Chad32 - February 2, 2017 at 1:58 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Drich - February 2, 2017 at 2:20 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by MTL - February 9, 2017 at 3:31 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Drich - February 10, 2017 at 11:39 am
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by MTL - February 16, 2017 at 2:55 am
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Drich - February 16, 2017 at 10:44 am
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Drich - February 17, 2017 at 11:12 am
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Drich - February 9, 2017 at 11:32 am
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Cecelia - February 2, 2017 at 6:49 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by brewer - February 2, 2017 at 6:56 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by brewer - February 2, 2017 at 7:54 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Cecelia - February 2, 2017 at 7:57 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by brewer - February 2, 2017 at 8:54 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Foxaèr - February 3, 2017 at 3:26 am
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Drich - February 17, 2017 at 4:11 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Athene - February 17, 2017 at 9:00 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Nay_Sayer - February 17, 2017 at 10:48 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Drich - February 20, 2017 at 12:16 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Drich - February 20, 2017 at 10:50 am
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Drich - February 20, 2017 at 4:12 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Drich - February 22, 2017 at 1:38 pm
RE: If "god" wants to talk to me... [new video] - by Drich - February 23, 2017 at 12:38 pm

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