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The thread is catchy don't you think but can you think of a place in our lives that is more invaded by religion than sex?
I'dd like to hear the various thoughts on why it is that the creator of all the universe (if your are a believer) would care what our sex lives involved.
It's is a hot topic not only in the christian religion but also in every major faith in the world.
Why do you think that is?
If you are a practitioner of said religions that tightly funnle sex into procreation only in special relationships then how does that affect your life. Practitioner or not we are all still human. I don't recall God giving me any special ability to deal with temptation when it cam to desire when i was a Christian.
If you are not a believer then why would the clever deity creating man want to control the sex of others?
What purpose do you think it serves to limit sexual behavior beyond what is sensible ei: use protection so as to avoid unpleasant things like pregnancy and disease?
In the culture i grew up in I questioned why it was that a man who had lots of sex was a "stud" (positive connotation) but a woman who did the same thing was a "slut" (negative connotation). It seemed that in this day and age where birth control and disease prevention are prevalent that such terms need no longer apply to any gender.
Maybe you other more historicaly educated people can answer why this culture/thought still persists. Do you think religion has something to do with it?
The thread is catchy don't you think but can you think of a place in our lives that is more invaded by religion than sex?
I'dd like to hear the various thoughts on why it is that the creator of all the universe (if your are a believer) would care what our sex lives involved.
It's is a hot topic not only in the christian religion but also in every major faith in the world.
Why do you think that is?
If you are a practitioner of said religions that tightly funnle sex into procreation only in special relationships then how does that affect your life. Practitioner or not we are all still human. I don't recall God giving me any special ability to deal with temptation when it cam to desire when i was a Christian.
If you are not a believer then why would the clever deity creating man want to control the sex of others?
What purpose do you think it serves to limit sexual behavior beyond what is sensible ei: use protection so as to avoid unpleasant things like pregnancy and disease?
In the culture i grew up in I questioned why it was that a man who had lots of sex was a "stud" (positive connotation) but a woman who did the same thing was a "slut" (negative connotation). It seemed that in this day and age where birth control and disease prevention are prevalent that such terms need no longer apply to any gender.
Maybe you other more historicaly educated people can answer why this culture/thought still persists. Do you think religion has something to do with it?