Oddly enough, last night I had a dream that I was a dude with memories from the USSR, but I was looking back as a kid and supported capitalism, and then the Joker approached me after everyone abandoned me because of my free market views, and then as a kid I asked the Joker why I didn't fit in, and he said because you don't, you're a freak, then child me started crying. Then I began to gain consciousness and I was like, "Wait a minute, I don't have memories of my childhood in the USSR. Wtf? Then I woke up and felt weird. It was a lot more cinematic though, with like a few different marry-go-rounds in a line representing different parts of these faux memories in my dreams.
So what are some weird ones you've had that just made you wake up and go, "What the fuck?"
So what are some weird ones you've had that just made you wake up and go, "What the fuck?"