So a few months ago, I got an Alienware Alpha desktop gaming computer and I was pretty happy with it at the time, but two weeks later the PC wouldn't turn back on and instead would flash 5 yellow blinking lights. I figured it was no big deal, I sent in the PC and about a week later they sent it back.
A week after getting the PC back it wouldn't turn on again. I call and figured out all they did was reset the CMOS battery and send it back, even though the note they gave me said they replaced the mother board.
So I send it back again and I just got it back today. 2 hours after getting it back the PC flashes the yellow blinking lights. I was able to temporarily keep it alive with a power drain then a reboot but if I turn it off again then it wont turn back on. I call and tell them my issue and how many times I called and I was told I couldn't get a refund. I also ask if they actually replaced the motherboard this time and she said no. I then asked if I could just replace my system and the support agent told me it was unlikely. She reassured me saying that a new policy was implemented recently and if she submitted a special request to the repair team to actually replace my motherboard then they are required to. So I will get the shipping info and I will have to send it in for repair for the 3rd time now.
I'm willing to put money on them sending it back broken again.
I don't recommend buying a PC from Dell.
A week after getting the PC back it wouldn't turn on again. I call and figured out all they did was reset the CMOS battery and send it back, even though the note they gave me said they replaced the mother board.
So I send it back again and I just got it back today. 2 hours after getting it back the PC flashes the yellow blinking lights. I was able to temporarily keep it alive with a power drain then a reboot but if I turn it off again then it wont turn back on. I call and tell them my issue and how many times I called and I was told I couldn't get a refund. I also ask if they actually replaced the motherboard this time and she said no. I then asked if I could just replace my system and the support agent told me it was unlikely. She reassured me saying that a new policy was implemented recently and if she submitted a special request to the repair team to actually replace my motherboard then they are required to. So I will get the shipping info and I will have to send it in for repair for the 3rd time now.
I'm willing to put money on them sending it back broken again.
I don't recommend buying a PC from Dell.