little boy blue Wrote:Because it's not the same faith. We know the technology exists. We can find facts about it. We can research why it works. The technology exists and we have evidence of it. Not with your god.
This is the same Approach I took with God. Only a fool would deny what billions claim to have experienced concerning God. We can start with an assumption something exists out there beyond us, and leave it opened as just that. We can research it. first by examining what God says about himself and what other experience and then weed out truth from hope narrative as both the bible and conflicting stories can not be true. We can also take God up on any promises He has given us to test Him and see if he is not the God of the Bible. (but again His terms not our own)
Quote:Whether people do this or not has no effect on whether it exists or not.the same can be said about gravity or radio waves or really any unseen force the majority of the masses knows very little about. Again God in this instance is no different. For in the instance of radio waves you have no idea of their presence or activity until someone one told you about them and two showed you how to access them. Your specific knowledge nor anyone else specific knowledge of a certain band with or specific frequency has anything to do with it's existence. So then i challenge you to explain how this is any different that someone with little to know knowledge of God?
Quote:I accept based on evidence, asshole. I could no more decide to believe in the reality of god than I could decide to believe in the reality of Harry Potter.:Roflol: your thoughts concerning Muslims and technology has betrayed any hope for you to be seen as an 'evidence based 'thinker.' You my misinformed or simply confused atheist are a follower of key words. The word 'evidence' is one of them. Preface or pepper a ridiculous statement/theory with the word 'evidence' and you will ba ba baaack this source through the gates of Hell! You are who you think most christians to be.
Quote:Fuck off. Your the only one I see full of pride in this conversation. You have all the answers, whether they make sense or not. You see educated choices as no different that emotional guesses and their a reason for that or are you just openly willing to embrace bigotry and prejudice?
Quote:Who says god definitely doesn't exist? Not me. I'll be the first to accept your god when presented with enough objective evidence.What is 'enough evidence?' What does evidence of God look like to you? how much would be enough?
Quote: But there is nothing.who says? God provides evidence to all who A/S/K for it.
Quote:Take the bible away as evidence of god and you got nothingwhat a simpleton.. Take away the written history of the united states and you got nothing... Take away an linch pin in a people's history and you've got nothing. that is how assimilation of cultures works you friggen morn. Take away a people's histroy and you get to decide who they become. But, here's the thing sport, we do have the bible despite man's best efforts in and out of governments and religion to obliterate it. Instead of talking in what if we didn't have the bible maybe learn to look into all the effort expended in histroy to take the bible from man, and how each and every attempt has failed. Then look at the patterns of failure and tell me if you see something that repeats/protects God's word.
Quote: You can just decide you don't believe. You don't need to have any reason except you want to.
And why not? if most of you were honest, the reason you all do not want to believe is to either poke or be poked in the bung, or look at pictures of this happening to someone else on line.. So then why can't i be afforded a similar trivial reason to want to believe God? Such as I found the promise God made to reveal Himself and I followed the path laid out and found God waiting for me right where the bible said He would be.
Quote:Apparently, you have your own definition for "miracle" as well as "faith". But there is no evidence of these miracles, is there?Sure there are sport they are just rename "Medical anomalies" so people like you do not have to keep up at night having to reconcile all that they know and believe 'science' to determine, with what sometimes happens despite the direction 'science' has predetermined.