RE: Why would a perfect being make an imperfect world?
February 18, 2017 at 2:28 am
(This post was last modified: February 18, 2017 at 3:10 am by Godscreated.)
(February 17, 2017 at 11:16 am)Asmodee Wrote:(February 17, 2017 at 2:39 am)Godschild Wrote:
Again with the, “I was quite clear”. I have already explained that I have a bad memory. Whining when I don’t remember who you are or what particular beliefs you demand I accept as fact won’t change that. If you have a problem with my memory take it up with Jesus. If it were up to me I’d fucking change it.
I do not have a problem with your memory and I'm not whining. You read my post or otherwise you would not have responded to it and the information was right in front of you,no need for memory. I will say that you need somekind of memory if you are going to participate in discussions or reread a lot of posts, it's not our fault you have bad memory nor is it Jesus fault. So please quit gripping at me about your bad memory.
(February 17, 2017 at 2:39 am)Godschild Wrote:
Asmodee Wrote:Yeah, I understand all that. But Jesus THE MAN AND THE CHRIST did not exist before he was born. It’s a simple fucking concept. People don’t exist before they’re born.
You understand what? Yesterday you said all this was hard to understand and today you say it's easy to understand, please make up your mind. This Son of God has always been the Messiah' the Christ and Jesus because He is omnipresent. You do understand what omnipresent means don't you? The Son of God has existed every moment of eternity, past, present and future.
Asmodee Wrote:The three parts of God, those aren’t people. Jesus is people. Jesus, God made flesh, was the messiah, the Christ, the savior. God the Son, before Jesus, was not the savior before becoming manifest as the savior.
If l used the word people for the trinity it was just an expression a slip of the lounge if you will. God the Son was the Messiah Savior before creation, He has always been so because of His omnipresence.
(February 17, 2017 at 2:39 am)Godschild Wrote:
Asmodee Wrote:The iron used to make my car has existed for at least billions of years, but my car didn’t exist until much later.
Now we're comparing God with iron which He created and your car which will rust away and exist no more to the everlasting Jesus. This is really a strange and unnatural thing to do seeing how Jesus is eternal. Remember Jesus himself said He was the Alpha and the Omega, meaning He has no beginning nor an end. His words not mine.
(February 17, 2017 at 2:39 am)Godschild Wrote:
Asmodee Wrote:If the word “established” is defined as “repeatedly asserted my belief as fact with no supporting evidence” then yes, you’ve “established” that.
We are discussing the God of the Bible, right. Then the Bible is where our answers will be found and I'm using the Bible to establish who God is. God is omnipresent.
(February 17, 2017 at 2:39 am)Godschild Wrote:
Asmodee Wrote:Yay! A Bible quote! Hey, now quote me the part about what a shitbag you are if you take away or add even just ONE WORD! You added two there!
Defending your position by calling names is by the definition of your fellow atheist childish and shows lack of intelligence. Their definition not mine though I agree with it. Those two words were to clarify who God was speaking of, maybe l did not have to for you but, there are others who read these post who might not know. These silly games you play are unbecoming of you.
(February 17, 2017 at 2:39 am)Godschild Wrote:
Asmodee Wrote:Now you pretend not to even understand the difference between prophecy and fulfillment of prophecy? You’ll notice that the scripture you quoted did not contain the name “Jesus” until after you added it. In fact, the OT doesn’t contain one mention of the name. That’s because Jesus DID NOT EXIST YET!
You're getting weaker in your defense of your position, I think you know Jesus was foretold through the OT, it was what the disciples used to tell about Jesus. Just because His name wasn't directly used doesn't mean He did not already exist, I'll say it again God is omnipresent He has always existed in the past, present and the future there has been no moment in all eternity He hasn't existed. Which means He has always existed as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and Jesus.
(February 17, 2017 at 2:39 am)Godschild Wrote:
Asmodee Wrote:Oh, I know what your intention is. It is not to cede a single point or admit you were wrong or mistaken, ever. That’s because if you find a flaw in your beliefs you risk the whole house of cards falling down.
I believe a few things Southern Baptist don't and one is what hell is, am l right maybe, am l wrong maybe, might the answer lay some where in between l do not know. Do you think that this will shake my faith if l'm wrong never. I've stated on this forum anytime that no denomination has all the right answer to God and that would include all Christians. However what we are discussing l bring my part from the scriptures and they are true statements about God. Because we are discussing God and there are no other sources about Him other than His word, it's what we have to use. Actually there may be other things I'm wrong about and if so and I'm shown positively it want break or hurt my faith. Here's why, I believe Jesus is who the Bible says He is, I accept it whole heatedly and in doing so means God has secured my salvation so I have nothing to worry about and can concentrate on telling others about the One who has redeemed me.
(February 17, 2017 at 2:39 am)Godschild Wrote:
Asmodee Wrote:Google “Christ definition”. Christ was a TITLE. It was NOT a title more than one person could “aquire”. Jesus “Christ” WAS BORN. I know you don’t want it to be a title because for some reason you take exception to it.
The exception is what I keep referring to and you keep ignoring, it must be you do not want to accept the truth because that would make you wrong and forbid it always that an atheist ever be wrong. The exception is this God the Son is omnipresent so all those names applied to Him have always existed in the person of God the Son.
Asmodee Wrote: Probably you want it to “feel” more super special, not definable by ordinary means or something. But words have actual meanings which you can look up and Christ is a title. Argue against that all you fucking want, I’ll just look it the fuck up again and it will tell me, yet again, that it was a TITLE!
You can believe what you want but Christ, Jesus and the Messiah are all names given to our savior, just as God has many names, those names describe His attributes just as those names for the Son of God describe some of His attributes.
Asmodee Wrote:I’m sorry, I just don’t care to read any more of that. Once you’ve demanded that a word whose definition is “the title, also treated as a name, given to Jesus of Nazareth” is NOT a title because titles are meaningless, there is just no real point in talking to you. Your beliefs are obviously far more important to you than reality. If we can’t even agree what reality then talking is just pointless.
I'm sorry you feel that way I've enjoyed our discussion except for the foul language you seem to find necessary to inject into the conversation and the name calling mostly referring to God as she, l do not do things like that to you or others our of respect.
I am truly sorry for your bad memory and I will do as you requested, lull pray for you, l know you were being sarcastic but l'm going to anyhow.
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.