(June 26, 2017 at 9:13 pm)Astonished Wrote: Now I know you're just fucking with me. I honestly don't even know what the fuck to do to correct the fact that you have the absolute most backward definition of 'wrong' it is possible to possess. Theist an atheist are mutually contradictory terms; you have to be one or the other, it's impossible not to have a stance on that, so they're one or the other whether you like to think so or not. You can't possibly ask me to believe you're genuinely too stupid to understand that.
It is a
FACT that most people are neither theists or atheists.
They just don't care or they are not interested on the issue at this stage in their lives.
If you don't believe me just go out in the street and ask people about it.
What most people are interested in at the moment is materialism.
Quote:The burden of proof is on your dumb ass if you want to claim there's more shit out there than we know.
NDEs are pure evidence beside even science tell us that behind a body there is a brain and the universe has all the characteristic that our body has (space, air, energy, water and matter).
Quote:All I'm saying is the claims being made by every theist ARE demonstrably false
I am theist and yet you have to prove me wrong.
Quote:and claims made by namby-pamby deists are simply able to be dismissed as they are asserted without evidence.
Deists are dead wrong.
God can not possibly create something and then let it run by itself.
Quote:I don't make claims I can't back up. And I'm willing to change my mind if I can be convinced, unlike the jackasses who are so intransigent in their beliefs that they can't be shaken, which is incredibly intellectually dishonest.
Who is dishonest Ast?
NDEs are not hallucinations because they are so clear, sharp and vivid that a dead brain can not possibly
create so only the consciousness can experience.
You are the dishonest one that refuse to believe in the evidence.
They are real people, real places and in most cases these experiences can be verified so by not believe in them is dishonest.
Quote:I don't believe the universe popped up as magic
If there is no mind behind it as atheists think then how the universe existed?
That is magic Ast.
You must have seen a magician popping up a rabbit from an empty hat, don't you?
Quote:that's what theists and deists alike believe, tardly boy, which you should fucking know.
I don't care what other people think or say.
If you deal with me then only worry what I say.
Quote:Further, if they want to propose that their deity is exempt from this 'who created it' infinite regress, why isn't the universe, the actual thing we can observe and study, able to warrant this same assumption?
Some people rely on faith only.
I don't.
Not that I don't have faith in my spiritual teacher but I also use my brain.
If the teaching is not working then I lose faith in my teacher.
This hasn't happen after so many years that is why I can not be considered as a fool.
Look at your body.
You got matter, you got water, energy, air, space and mind.
They are all needed to keep you alive so if you look at the universe you will have to reckon that there got to be a mind behind this creation.
Quote:Occam's razor cleanly circumcises god right out of the fucking equation.
That is a load o'garbage.
Idiots can not see a mind behind this universe so they come to the conclusion that there is none.
It is only when people use logic that they come to the conclusion that a body has and must have a mind.
Quote:But you know what? I'm not going to be such an arrogant fuckwad that I'm going to claim I know how everything started or even if there was a starting point or if it was simply a perpetual cycle all along, or if there is or isn't any true nature beyond it. We don't know it, none of us. It's fine if you want to dream there is but when you genuinely truly believe it without justification, that opens the door to batshittery and you're proving that right now quite profusely.
Wrong again Ast.
How do you know that nobody knows?
Take a teacher.
He-she knows and you are learning.
You do not know yet where the teaching will lead you to but your teacher knows.
Considering that your teacher teach you well and you advance then come obvious that what your teacher teach you is spot on and considering that your teacher has already experienced what you are learning at the moment then everything is right.
The problem with you Ast is that you haven't got a teacher that would help you to get out the mental sewer.
You already made up your mind that you know so you don't need a teacher.
In this way is like to try to go across the ocean in a tiny raft.
You may succeed but in most cases you don't.
Quote:Why does the universe need a brain behind it? An avalanche doesn't require a brain to happen, it is a result of physics that we can easily understand conceptually and mathematically. Those things are discoverable and have the benefit of practical application.
The food or drink that you put in your mouth goes down like an avalanche would go down.
What this has to do with the fact that a body need or not a brain?
Quote:I don't have to make the claim that there's no brain behind it all; until you prove that there is, beyond the 'there must be because it makes my teeny dick hard to imagine it' defense, you just sound like an impotent stunted, sad little dunce.
People who find a nugget of gold found it because they put enough effort in discovering it.
If you are such a fool that think that the gold will come to you as per magic then you will never get it.
It is all about being interested that the discovering journey start.
If you are not interested then your journey to discovering will not start and nobody can started for you
so nobody can give you any evidence.
Quote:And your NDE bullcrap propaganda or whatever the fuck time-wasting hogwash in that useless link has to have been debunked in every way it's possible to debunk, as with every single fucking other nonsensical claim of the same nature.
That is a load o'crap Ast.
Most NDEs are verifiable.
Real people, real places, real doctors, real death, real accounts and records.
Quote:If any of it were true, whoever discovered it would have won a Nobel prize and the entire face of science would have changed overnight. Why the fuck don't people who like to clamp onto this fake shit seem to understand that there would be these colossal ramifications if any of their dogcrap was actually real?
More garbage Ast.
After Columbus discovered America 99% of people wouldn't believe him.
And after someone explain that the planet earth is not flat and is not the center of the universe still 99% of the people wouldn't believe him.
It is only after sometime that things are believed.
No wonder that 99% of people on earth are fools.