(March 9, 2017 at 4:01 pm)abaris Wrote:(March 9, 2017 at 3:54 pm)Minimalist Wrote: This is not American Idol we're talking about, you know.
The dipshits put a madman in charge of the nuclear arsenal.
The Dems had a sane, boring, policy wonk and the republicunts had a madman. Slightly less than half of the voters chose the madman. You're goddamn right that is who I blame. The ones who voted for the WLB and the ones who didn't dare leave their safe space in their own heads to vote for sanity.
Yes, even more shame on the Dems for fucking this up. It is like American Idol - not only in America. If they don't manage to win enough votes, sad day for everyone. They screwed it up, they were complacent, they didn't even notice how much many people looked for the pied piper. And they show no sign of having learned their lesson. If they continue on the road of presenting a boring policy wonk, they will lose and lose again.
People don't learn. People won't even learn when this assclown fucks them over with the sordid lead pipe. They will get their scapegoats to blame. So if the other side doesn't present something exciting, promising them the change, which they all are looking for, the laurel will continue to go to the candidate with the loudest mouth.
Bill Clinton or Obama weren't boring in their campaigns. They may have failed to deliver, but they at least delivered sufficiently to win the second term. As opposed to Hillary, who oozed phony with every grin and everyone of her gestures and speeches. The main problem for her was that she didn't excite her own home team. If she had, she wouldn't have lost. Even more so since the popular vote was on her side. She lost states no Dem has lost before. That's an achievement in itself.
Looking at it from the perspective of the OP I see it this way.
The hatred and opposition to the ACA was always, only, ever about political theater. That's it.
The republicans (not Trump) knew that it's a complex issue that the general public is simply incapable of understanding so they did what they always do... use lies to spread fear, unrest and anger, then collect the votes of the ill informed. Mission Accomplished! Conservatives are masters of getting people to vote against their own interests and they have succeeded yet again. So, should the Democrats take on this "winning strategy"?
The fact is that single payer is the empirically proven, most efficient system out there and is the most viable solution for getting the costs under control. (covering everyone is actually just a bonus)
The problem is that it is ideologically unacceptable to vast numbers of the ideologically blinded who make up the american population and have been systematically manipulated by the use of lies spreading fear, unrest and anger. Democracy requires an informed electorate and that's just not the case here.
It seems to me you are both correct in that the public is simply too easy to fool, but that it's the one and only job of the Dems to figure out how to win them over and they failed.
If god was real he wouldn't need middle men to explain his wants or do his bidding.