I was indoctrinated at an early age, but by the age of eight I already began to realise that the fact that I only believed in one religion (Christianity) when there were hundreds of religions around the world was rather strange. It also seemed like none of the gods of religion ever bothered to show their awesome powers through any kind of manifestation. By the age of 10 I had already lost belief the Christian God, based on the fact that the evidence I was presented for His existence was quite poor and the evidence against His existence was beginning to appear more obvious to me. However, I still had a belief in a deistic god for several years, but it felt as if god's significance in my life was slowly eroding away. At the age of 13 it became fairly obvious that I was holding a belief that was based on literally nothing apart from my desire to fill gaps in my knowledge. Ultimately I lost all belief in gods in general and also began to form beliefs against the gods of scripture based on the evidence against their existence. By the age of 16 was an agnostic atheist who lacked belief in the existence of gods in general and also believed certain gods do not exist (such as Allah), a position I continue to hold right now at the age of 19.
"Faith is the excuse people give when they have no evidence."
- Matt Dillahunty.
- Matt Dillahunty.