Quote:Quote: That is a load o'crap yog.
It is a fact that we are all different therefore God can not possibly show Him-Herself (no sex) in the same way to
We carry different karma so the help that God give to one can not be the same to somebody else.
There are different stages of samadhi or bliss.
Why should we all experience the same level of bliss when someone deserve more or less than other people?
Quote: That is nothing but fairy tales. It's an ad hoc rationalization for why there are hallucinatory features in people's NDEs. God or not God is what is at issue here. You can't use what you hope to prove with these hallucinatory experiences to explain the hallucinatory experience. That's simply begging the question. Your answer doesn't come close to explaining why there are imaginary things inside people's NDE experiences. The simplest answer is that the entire NDE is imaginary. That's parsimony. Not this made up ad hoc shit that you pulled from your ass. a) You have no way of knowing this, and b) it puts the veracity of the whole experience in doubt. If a woman can imagine herself wearing long johns, why can't she imagine all the rest? Your answer is a kind of "trust me, the two things are different." Well no, they aren't. If the long johns are made up, so is the rest of it.
You are guessing Yog.
You wouldn't know whether an experience is a real NDE that happen when the consciousness separate from the dead body-brain or an hallucination that happen when the brain is still alive and the consciousness being stuck in a sick brain react as she can producing an hallucination beside even real NDEs can produce feelings that some people relate to hallucination such as the case with Storm and in his first approach to his NDE in which he is shown the mental hell that he would feel if he continue to behave like a dick.
Some people in their NDE could mainly experience the bad side given as a lesson and very little of the good side or the bliss part.
You get cornered and you start making up bullshit like that there's a difference between a "real NDE" and a hallucination. It's just pathetic evasion on your part. You can't tell the difference between NDEs that occur when the patient is flatlined and when they are not, so parsimony and the experiences say that they're undergoing the same process. But squirm away, little man, make your arbitrary distinctions that don't exist if it will keep you from acknowledging the truth.
Quote:Quote: This is just more irrelevant crap which doesn't explain why people have hallucinatory features in their NDEs. It's just a load of stalling crap and is based on nothing but dogma. Look, it's real simple. I'll show you:
1. EITHER all NDEs are real OR all NDEs are false; (law of parsimony)
2. IF some NDEs are hallucinations, THEN all NDEs are hallucinations; (by 1)
3. Some NDEs are hallucinations; (previous post)
4. Therefore all NDEs are hallucinations (by 2 and 3)
You wanted logic? You got logic. Now answer the argument or don't. No more of these fairy tale whinings about "well God would do this" or "God would do that" -- you are not God, and your guesses about what God would do are irrelevant and are the worst kind of ad hoc bullshit. Answer the argument or don't.
This Yog is all intellectual extravaganza.
All bullshit.
First of all you got to make sure that an experience is a real NDE or an hallucination.
After that you can draw your conclusion but you do not do that.
You guess and guess that one is the other and the other is something else.
In this way you end up in a mental labyrinth from which you can't get out.
Yes, that explains why you can't point out the flaw in my logic. :rolls-eyes:
You've succeeded in only one thing, and that is in convincing me that NDEs are not real.
Your entire worldview--reincarnation, karma, yoga, etc.--is nothing but dogmatic bullshit.
By the way, thanks for screwing up the quote tags, asshole.
Quote:Quote: Sure, don't just stand there. DO SOMETHING! The problem with this is that some things are helpful. Some things are not. And some problems have no solution, so "just do anything" is a waste of time. The wise person is the one who realizes that the quest for permanent peace of mind is a pipe dream, and that the only real solution is to struggle for what meaning is available in this life, not sitting around meditating on a mantra given to you by a long dead con man. Your NDE evidence is crap. And your Yoga is a lie. It can't deliver permanent happiness because nothing can. And saying "do something, anything" is a pointless distraction to the real problems people face. Go ahead and waste your life in pointless yoga. Quit telling other people it's the way to permanent peace of mind. You don't have it, and you've never known anyone else to have it either. All you are doing is making up lies about something you don't know shit about.
Gee, now you say that you are able to read my mind and knowing that my yoga does not produce any
bliss and peace of mind.
You know what Yog?
You could make a lot of money as mind reading.
You should try.
Just go in your local shopping center and start this business.
Get rich Yog.
I said permanent peace of mind, dumbass. I may not be able to read minds, but I can at least read what's on the page.
Thank you for an entire post filled with non-answers and evasions. It only confirms what I already knew, which is that you have no answer to my logical arguments.