(April 21, 2017 at 4:27 am)Lucanus Wrote: Still too vague!
What does "the unconscious mind become conscious mind" mean?
Human beings barely are aware of less then 1% of the total knowledge.
Have you noticed that when you do not know an answer you think and think until the answer pop up if ever pop up.
Where does the answer come from?
It come from within Luc.
Within there are all the answer but to get these answers up to your mind you need a struggle most the time.
Anyway when the answer that previously was hidden within pop up into your mind then that particular
piece of knowledge now is part of your knowledge so the unconscious become conscious.
Quote:How do you define the "unconscious mind"?
That particular knowledge that you own but you can not use yet.
Quote:How do you determine that only through yoga - that is, through subjective experience - you can understand these deeper, but still objective truths of reality?
Your father is a very very powerful entity.
What belong to your father belong to you as well.
The only problem Luc is that you got to realize that between you and Him there is no distinction
and to realize this you need a powerful system that able you to reach this realization and this system
is called yoga.
Yoga is given to you from your father because He want you to own all He own.
Actually there is also an other system to reach your father but that is an extremely difficult system.
Quote:How exactly should consciousness be affected?
From what we see though, it just isn't. People whose pineal gland was removed keep on living a normal life, they just need to take melatonin to compensate the insomnia that derives from the removal of the pineal gland.
I don't agree with your idea that without the pineal gland people can live a normal life.
The more you try to find out how people would live without the pineal gland the more you find
opposite opinions.
I personally think that without the pineal gland you would live like a zombie.
Here below one of the many many opinions.
Quote:Also, how does consciousness interact with the brain if the pineal gland is removed?
It doesn't make a lot of sense - what is the function of the pineal gland if consciousness isn't really affected by its removal? You say that consciousness "stays where the pineal gland was". But if the biological structures that allowed for this supposed brain-consciousness interface aren't there anymore, how does it happen?
When you go inside your car you do not need to get connected with all the wiring that are inside the car yet you are able to tell your car to move.
The consciousness doesn't really need much to get connected to the rest of the body-brain.
Always remember that the consciousness being an abstract entity is far more superior to the matter such as the body-brain and everything that is superior is the boss which everybody will have to obey to.
Quote:And if you see the actual biological parameters of most of these people you'll see that about 50% of them are suffering only from a minor trauma or shock (such as hypoglycemia) and they are quite far from dying, as reported in the papers that I cited in my last post.
And this still doesn't take out the possibility of the NDE occurring while the patient recovers!
Awareness in these people who had an NDE is there all the time from the time that they leave their bodies to the time that they re enter their bodies.
There is no such a thing as recover.
There is instead a resuscitation.
Recover means that these people never really died which is not the case as doctors said that these people really died.
Quote:Again, you demonstrate a superficial view of the problem.
If someone has an NDE because of an accident, they clearly are not hooked up to an EEG machine when the injuries occur. So you just cannot know whether their EEG goes flat immediately.
There are no data to point in any direction. Be humble and say you don't know, because in this case, nobody can.
And again, as a side note, you still haven't taken into account the possibility of the NDE occurring during the recovery phase, when the brain "reboots".
Sorry Luc but hundreds of NDEs confirm what I already said.
Just read them.
Quote:This statement is demonstrably false. People who take hallucinogenic drugs (such as LSD or Ketamin) very often report clear sharp and vivid experiences... But those are the experiences of a malfunctioning brain!
They surely think that those experiences are real but if they would have an NDE they surely would realize that an NDE is the real real experience.
100% real compare to maybe 1% real.
Quote:And since you seem to imply that the NDEs do not occur in the brain (I assume your explanation is that "consciousness" is out of the body by that time), how does consciousness work without the biological scaffold of the brain?
Interesting question but easy to know.
Consciousness doesn't really need a brain to work.
It work even better when is free from the constraint of being stuck inside a brain but because
it is forced to live inside a brain then there got to be a relationship between her and the brain.
Sooner or later even the best relationship come to an end and the consciousness before it re enter
a new body-brain has got a relationship with the creator so relationships never really stop and a source of
nourishment for the consciousness exist all the time.

Quote:How does it get "back in" when the patient recovers?
It just does.
Read the NDEs to see how they can.
Quote:Why is a brain - heck why are living organisms even necessary when consciousness is so clear and self-aware on its own?
The subconscious mind is certainly 100% aware but the conscious mind is not.
There is a gap in between and because the conscious mind is dependent on a body-brain then living organisms are necessary until the subconscious mind become conscious.
Quote:But I am not arguing for any specific position! I'm just telling you how your model of reality doesn't work and how there is no good evidence to corroborate it.
I personally am of the opinion that materialistic explanations of the phenomena we see in our daily lives are to be preferred - and should therefore be the default position to take in absence of any evidence for anything.
Why do I think this? Because when we get to a sufficient level of scientific insight on the subject matter, our models work and allow us to progress further in our understanding of reality AND in our quality of life.
When when Luc?
In the meantime old books and philosophers busts get the dust while yogi get the real McCoy.

![[Image: longroom1.jpg]](https://wanderlustful3.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/longroom1.jpg)
Quote:And that is because neuroscientists, unlike gurus or priests or what have you, are not satisfied by superficial, "just-so" explanations to such a complicated phenomenon.
How would you know that yoga is superficial when you never try it?

Quote:As you can see, your point of view on these things is full of holes and creates a lot more questions than it answers - but you seem to not even be aware of what these questions would be. You seem satisfied by the "just-so" story of consciousness being separated from the brain.
And I'll just say, I'm not sold so easily.
Good on you Luc.
All the best and keep on hoping because hope will take you there.