(June 14, 2017 at 3:17 pm)Khemikal Wrote: .......oh?Short minded was indeed a bit harsh.. I was think short sighted, but wound up calling you short minded.
Quote:Jewish adam or christer adam?Again deist Adam, Deist Abraham, Deist Isaac sport, as there was no law/ no Judaism and no Christianity. While both religions may claim father Abraham or Adam neither nor anyone who lived between their time period had no religious affiliation what so ever.
That is what makes your statement 'short minded.' You wrongfully assume all who have follow or are yet to follow God have to be Christian. Yet the bible it self shows deists, jews Christians and even death bed converts showing up in the population of Heaven.
Quote:The question can be asked again and again for each mythological character as an exercise in cultural anthropology..but the answer remains the same in all cases.there is a lazy minded statement/question and answer. because you wrongfully assume all religious forms including your mythologies offer a 'heaven.' let alone welcome mortals there. Even in Islam common man may not enter heaven.
Yet you claim that all can be answered the same way...
Now that is a step further that's lazy minded!
Quote: No one is barred from heaven..there would have to -be- a heaven for anyone to be barred from it......and there isn't.Why?
Why does heaven have to exist as you understand the word to mean in order for one to be barred from it? What IF... You just aren't a very smart person? and you do not have the ability to truly phantom how heave can exist outside your little corn kernel world?
Short minded and foolish indeed.

Quote:So how do these non Christian enter Heaven?R-h-e-t-o-ri-cal sport. I did want a weeks worth of hard thought diatribe from you. (Because that is how long you have been working on a response,) I already provided you an answer. The answer being the same Christ that Judges the Christian also judges the jew, deist and atheist alike. and it is through Him and Him alone that we enter or get reject from Heaven. That means we carry no favor by calling ourselves one brand of faith or another. However if we try and live out his example for the right reasons we have a better shot at being identified by Christ as being a follower of Him.
Quote:In any case, it makes for an interesting question of christology and how people choose to interpret their myths and legends. Interesting in the sense that your answer might be illuminating.Might be? I just showed you how a literal deist non affiliated/non religious people were being allowed in through the same Christ door, without the stink of the church on them. why? they would have know nothing of Christ as they only knew very little of God Himself. However that said there are very specific set of circumstances that allows for such a thing to happen. I would not be one to tell you keep on being a deist in light of your access to Christianity
Quote: When, in your sects official opinion, did jesus become christ?Jesus was announced and born the Christ. Which has nothing to do with salvation. Again the bible tells us we are called to salvation (not call from birth, look at the examples of Thomas the apstole Paul and even Abraham and moses) most calls happen later on in life. It's about whether you heed you call when spoken to or whether you choose to ignore it. Your judgement/Your way into heaven is not painted by the broad brush of religion, but what Christ see in and has done for you specifically, and what you have done with those exchanges.
Quote:Of the four majority opinions on that question, only one of them would have allowed any chance of those people getting into any "heaven" through christ, and even that position will not have allowed for any such admittance if said jew didn;t recognize jesus as god, which said jew would not do, because jew. More amusingly in the case of adam...lol. "You're god? Stop bullshitting me. I know the guy, I used to be his gardener."Here's the thing though. in truth none of the 4 would have a chance into heaven without Christ. That is what I keep saying over and over. Christ decides who is and is not Christian. It is not something we decide for ourselves. What we decide is which Christian social group we want to belong to.
Quote:Gee, what do you call a person who accepts christ as lord and savior and then get's into heaven? I'll give you three guesses...one of the faithful.
The faithful on need direction and they are read to follow God no matter where it goes.
That is not me. I'm a believer because of what I experienced and continue to see. My 'faith' wavers daily even though I know it all to be true. I am one who has to remain close to God or I am prone to wander off, and find myself in more trouble than if I never known God. Thankfully He provides what I need tere as well.