Godscreated Wrote:Lutrinae Wrote:The burden of proof is on the person making the extraordinary claim. There is currently zero evidence of god's existence; therefore, to state that god does not exist is merely a reflection of the facts we currently possess. The extraordinary claim, that god does exist, is the burden of the believer to prove as factual.
He made the claim that there was no God in another thread and it was convenient to bring it up here, also. The burden of a positive claim is of non-existence belongs to Him. I've said many times over the years I've been on this site that I can not prove God's existence to an atheist's satisfaction. So just stop your little atheist quibbles and except you have the same responsibility you demand of Christians .
Clearly there is no reason for the statement 'God doesn't exist' except as a response to the claim 'God does exist'. 'God doesn't exist' is the null hypothesis that needs to be disproven before acceptance of the hypothesis 'God does exist' can be rationally justified.
Same with Shiva, Yetis, ghosts, deep lake monsters, alien abductions, and so on. The null hypothesis must be disproven before it becomes reasonable to believe the hypothesis that they are real. Anecdotes are not sufficient support for things that can't be otherwise observed to exist. If you say ghosts are real and we say 'nuh uh, prove it!' the ball is in your court. We are perfectly justified in rejecting your claim until you adequately support it. You wouldn't buy 'I know it in my heart' for Krishna as proof that Krishna is real, (else you would believe that Krishna is real and who Krishna is claimed to be, because Krishna believers offer that exact same support for Krishna), so why would you expect it to carry water for us? It only works on people who already agree with you. It's a useless apologetic that Jesus was never recorded as using. I mean seriously, how would Jesus have acted online? According to the Gospels he would demonstrate his love and trustworthiness and not worry about those of us who don't decide to follow him. But evangelists never follow the advice of Jesus on how to win converts. They go with 'indoctrinate kids as young as you can get 'em' and 'preach at people into you're blue in the face'.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.