A person I know has an ex-husband that's a druggy. Hearing updates about him is like Breaking Bad but more depressing. The dude hooked up with a craigslist hooker and they became an item. He had a nice house that his parents bought for him but he took out a mortgage on it for drug money, then fell behind on the payments, and then moved to a trailer down by the river in a flood plain. Crappy, water damaged, run down trailer with a herd of feral cats living under it. His girlfriend kept turning tricks for money until she OD'ed and died. Whenever he went to the bank to pull out the last of his money the tellers would be freaked out because he always looked like warmed over death. Scrawny, pale, and shaking like a leaf. One time she went over to his place to talk to him and he was sitting in a run down shed behind his trailer. Just sitting there staring at nothing. He had flies crawling all over his face and around his eyes and he wouldn't even try to brush them off. Freaking crazy. I feel sorry for their son.
Everything I needed to know about life I learned on Dagobah.