RE: Atheist struggling to answer a question i often propose to myself
August 24, 2017 at 12:43 pm
(This post was last modified: August 24, 2017 at 12:50 pm by Brian37.)
(August 24, 2017 at 12:11 pm)budsa11 Wrote: i'm wondering if you can help me im an atheist but am struggling to answer a question i often propose to myself it goes something like this.....
If you see an ant crawling across the ground, to the ant, you are his god that could wipe him out at time, he has no intelligence of you or that you exist, for the ant he is as intelligent as he is going to get, and can't even comprehend we exist.
So could we be in the same position as the ant? as far as we can see humans right now are as intelligent as we can get, but growing up we do not have the intelligence capacity to comprehend our surrounding. As children, take a 1 year old or any age under 3-4 we are also at that point, (The same as the ant) as intelligent at THAT time as we are going to get and cannot comprehend to world around us intelligently.
So just the same as the ant, adults at our height point of intelligence, to the toddler we are the Gods. What if we, right NOW are at this point in time, at our current level of intelligence are in the same position as the Ant and Toddler? Could there be an unknown Force, Entity, that just the same as we are unknown to the ant and the toddler to his or her world, that is looking at us as we look at the ant?
As its happening right now to the ant and toddler, this is proof it can, and is happening, It doesn't seem that extraordinary somthing is looknig at us in the same way,
Would love to hear what you think,
To be blunt NO.
There does not have to be a gap answer postulating a giant super cognition as providing an answer as to why we are here and even Hawking has said as much, "A God is not required."
I am not even a fan of the si fi version when people claim all this is a "giant simulation". That is the same woo bullshit mistake as when theist treat the word "theory" as a mere guess. That is not what scientists mean by "simulation".
Now to understand where god claims and super natural claims are REALLY coming from there are three important books I highly recommend to understand what is really going on.
1. The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins
2. God The Failed Hypothesis, Victor Stenger
3. The New Atheism, Victor Stenger
To make it short, our species imagination reflecting our own attributes and imagination is what is really going on.
I do not see any super cognition or even a "simulation" giving one rats ass about our species, knowing that other life existed and our 4 billion year old planet has had 5 mass extinctions. I do not see any cosmic sky hero or invisible Bill Gates in a 13.8 billion year old universe with an estimated 200 billion galaxies in it giving one shit about what happens to us as a species.
No, that does not make me fatalistic or pessimistic. It just means I don't assign any woo or superstition or deity to any of this. It makes much more sense to me to accept that humans make it up because they want it to be true and have a hard time facing that we are merely a temporary blip riding in a giant weather pattern.
I still find good and life valuing the finite time I have. I have no desire to want to blindly swallow any form of a fictional forever that does not exist. Even the universe itself will run out of energy known as "heat death".
My advice is to don't worry about what we don't currently know by attempting to plop in gap answers. Just do the best you can now, enjoy the ride and try not to hurt others. If you can accept you had no pre life then there is no need for a forever either after you die.
Sure there is lots science has yet to figure out, but that does not mean we have to cling to any and all naked assertions to falsely hedge our bets to fill in the gap.
The only "God" I have is my cat. That is one cute fur ball that you cannot ignore at 4:30 5am when the little booger wakes you up because he wants to eat. Best living fractal of temporary atoms anyone could ask for.