I agree with your post completely, entirely, Aura,
I certainly do not wish to censor any group. I support freedom of speech for BOTH sides, or neither side - it has to be FAIR
And I'd much rather it was both of course! I'm all for freedom of speech!!
EDIT: @ Sponge: I think you can 'present a belief' to someone without indoctrinating them. You could just display a belief to them in an UNbiased manner. Rather than showing them only one view and practically brainwashing them into that particular belief.
A belief can be presenting without doing that. Especially if the person is also presented with other beliefs for an a comparison, in an unbiased sense.
Also, I think you can even be biased but fail to indoctrinate someone. I think indoctrination is an extreme form of bias (despite the fact it's so common, unfortunately) - it's when someone really is fully instilled and implanted with a certain belief, faith, or 'belief system', practically brain-washed. Cut-off from other forms of thought - simply 'brought up' that way.
I certainly do not wish to censor any group. I support freedom of speech for BOTH sides, or neither side - it has to be FAIR
And I'd much rather it was both of course! I'm all for freedom of speech!!
EDIT: @ Sponge: I think you can 'present a belief' to someone without indoctrinating them. You could just display a belief to them in an UNbiased manner. Rather than showing them only one view and practically brainwashing them into that particular belief.
A belief can be presenting without doing that. Especially if the person is also presented with other beliefs for an a comparison, in an unbiased sense.
Also, I think you can even be biased but fail to indoctrinate someone. I think indoctrination is an extreme form of bias (despite the fact it's so common, unfortunately) - it's when someone really is fully instilled and implanted with a certain belief, faith, or 'belief system', practically brain-washed. Cut-off from other forms of thought - simply 'brought up' that way.