(October 10, 2017 at 9:14 am)MysticKnight Wrote: I am a vile evil ugly soul that seeks to redeem itself and I am sure of this, not saying it out of humility or anything. I am of the distressed ones, the evil ones who God has promised to heal their evil and save them from their darkness.
NO YOU ARE NOT, whomever sold you that lie should be arrested for child abuse.
NOW again, I DO get to speak on this because I was bullied as a kid.
Someone sold you the horrible idea that you were born bad. Nobody is born bad.
I never fit in as a kid, my parents didn't understand me, my parents tried to make me something I was not, and I got beat up alot as a kid, so I hated myself, and for no good reason.
Mystic, this isn't something we see in Islam, we see this horrible far right abuse even here in the states with Christians. We see them tell their kids horrible things that each them to hate themselves from the start.
You are not perfect no, nobody is, I am not, but you are not evil.
A decent human being to me is ANYONE who is non violent no matter what. I don't have to agree with all the claims one makes, but non violence above all else is what I value.
STOP beating yourself up mentally like that. I am not even angry at you, but mad at the person or people who sold you that idea of self loathing.
If you think like that you will end up doing very needless horrible things to yourself and or others. I was very self destructive as a teen and young adult thinking I was a failure, and stupid, and wrong, and blamed myself for everything. DONT do that to yourself.
I MEAN THAT, as a fellow human, all debate and blasphemy aside.