How this will translate to other races across the country next year depends on who voted and by what margins. Political analysts will be pouring through the data over the next few days.
Northam is a moderate Democrat. Gillespie was a moderate Republican but attached himself to Trump and white culture grievances. Virginia is a slightly blue state in Presidential elections these days, but this is not a major election year (i.e. so Democrats don't normally vote as much). Black voters didn't turn out as much for Clinton as they did for Obama, but what about tonight? How strong was Progressive/Bernie Bloc turnout? Did Gillespie's embrace of Trump help him turn out GOP voters, or did it do more to energize Democrats and independents against him?
Many questions for both parties. The answers will largely determine how the 2018 midterms take shape.
Northam is a moderate Democrat. Gillespie was a moderate Republican but attached himself to Trump and white culture grievances. Virginia is a slightly blue state in Presidential elections these days, but this is not a major election year (i.e. so Democrats don't normally vote as much). Black voters didn't turn out as much for Clinton as they did for Obama, but what about tonight? How strong was Progressive/Bernie Bloc turnout? Did Gillespie's embrace of Trump help him turn out GOP voters, or did it do more to energize Democrats and independents against him?
Many questions for both parties. The answers will largely determine how the 2018 midterms take shape.