Urban Dictionary: cop a feel
To feel on a woman's breasts or buttox; usually when she is not expecting it. Often followed up by a slap in the face.[/size]
I live on Maui where we have nude beaches and these thing don't happen. We also have a Mardi Gras type atmosphere on Halloween night in Lahaina and these things don't happen. Yet, a girl sitting on a man's shoulders flashed her tits to a large crowd in Huntington Beach and other girls followed suit followed by men asking diners at a restaurant on the beach to do the same. They did. What happened next was complete chaos.
There are times and places where this girl would have been fine. I think that that was the wrong time and place. Not making excuses for that mans action but, she was stupid, and as the only one apparently not fully dressed, was doing so at the wrong place at the wrong time showing her freedom of expression which in this case, I believe was anarchy of expression and should have been told, by the powers that be, to put a fucking shirt on or leave!
- [url=https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:2eLfKUgKK1EJ:https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3Fterm%3Dcop%2520a%2520feel+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us]Cached
To feel on a woman's breasts or buttox; usually when she is not expecting it. Often followed up by a slap in the face.[/size]
I live on Maui where we have nude beaches and these thing don't happen. We also have a Mardi Gras type atmosphere on Halloween night in Lahaina and these things don't happen. Yet, a girl sitting on a man's shoulders flashed her tits to a large crowd in Huntington Beach and other girls followed suit followed by men asking diners at a restaurant on the beach to do the same. They did. What happened next was complete chaos.
There are times and places where this girl would have been fine. I think that that was the wrong time and place. Not making excuses for that mans action but, she was stupid, and as the only one apparently not fully dressed, was doing so at the wrong place at the wrong time showing her freedom of expression which in this case, I believe was anarchy of expression and should have been told, by the powers that be, to put a fucking shirt on or leave!
My girlfriend thinks I'm a stalker. Well...she's not my girlfriend "yet".
I discovered a new vitamin that fights cancer. I call it ...B9
I also invented a diet pill. It works great but had to quit taking it because of the side effects. Turns out my penis is larger and my hair grew back. And whoa! If you think my hair is nice!
When does size truly matter? When it's TOO big!
I'm currently working on a new pill I call "Destenze". However...now my shoes don't fit.
I discovered a new vitamin that fights cancer. I call it ...B9
I also invented a diet pill. It works great but had to quit taking it because of the side effects. Turns out my penis is larger and my hair grew back. And whoa! If you think my hair is nice!
When does size truly matter? When it's TOO big!
I'm currently working on a new pill I call "Destenze". However...now my shoes don't fit.