(March 10, 2018 at 11:12 pm)wallym Wrote: So they (animals) were intelligently designed for a world without death?
Do you believe animals predated humans? Like dinosaurs were here. Then died off. Then humans came around? If original sin was the death source, would you need humans first to have extinctions?
Plan A.
Animals were designed to live forever.
Animals were created in the same week of creation.
The world was designed to respond to the presence of human beings, just like the universe is influenced by the presence of God, whether he interacts with it or not.
So a man could choose to benefit or change the world around him or just be there, and benefits would flow both ways.
There was a time when animals had no fear of man, and would approach him with trust.
When the relationship to God was severed, man lost the divine power which used to flow through him, and the power to benefit nature began to degrade.
Many species disappeared when the animals began to express and learn the ways of distrust.
If nature is ever going to be restored you have fix the man first. Then everything may follow the order of systematic benevolence.
Without power, man is relatively useless to live for ever, to have a positive influence on all the inhabited planets - which is in plan B.