Let's play a game of What's More Likely!
1. A person can summon and/or commune with aliens/angels/whatever on a regular basis; they, essentially, appear on command. And no one - scientists, the military, world religious leaders, or even the local populace - notices or cares.
2. A person is a bit deranged, and seeks attention. They call themselves a prophet, and concoct a story about how they can summon aliens/angels/whatever on command. So, with the help of a buddy or two, he performs these stunts. The buddy releases something mundane (likely a balloon) a mile or so away at the right time, and this 'prophet' points at it as proof of his mystical connection to these creatures. He doesn't do it on windy days, actually postponing certain demonstrations because, well, balloons don't behave in the wind. A local news outlet hears of the guy, and plays along. It's a nice filler story for a slow news day, sure to be a hit with those in the Southwest who buy into woo.
If you choose 1, congratulations! You're a gullible rube.
1. A person can summon and/or commune with aliens/angels/whatever on a regular basis; they, essentially, appear on command. And no one - scientists, the military, world religious leaders, or even the local populace - notices or cares.
2. A person is a bit deranged, and seeks attention. They call themselves a prophet, and concoct a story about how they can summon aliens/angels/whatever on command. So, with the help of a buddy or two, he performs these stunts. The buddy releases something mundane (likely a balloon) a mile or so away at the right time, and this 'prophet' points at it as proof of his mystical connection to these creatures. He doesn't do it on windy days, actually postponing certain demonstrations because, well, balloons don't behave in the wind. A local news outlet hears of the guy, and plays along. It's a nice filler story for a slow news day, sure to be a hit with those in the Southwest who buy into woo.
If you choose 1, congratulations! You're a gullible rube.