Got a cool idea from a recent Ray Kurzweil video, while he talked about rocks and artificial intelligence.
Idea: From dirt to human level artificial intelligence!
1.) We’re about to build artificial intelligences, that exceed humans in intelligence!
2.) Computers are intelligent today, and although computers are smarter than humans in several individual cognitive or thinking tasks, they are not yet better than human intelligence overall.
3.) So, computers come from dirt/rock/sand, so we are giving intelligence to dirt! Eventually, (Ray Kurzweil predicts by 2029) we’ll instill in dirt, intelligence that exceeds intelligence overall, called "artificial general intelligence".
4.) Why did the supposed theistic God have to rely on humans to convert dirt to these smarter machines? Did the theistic God lack the ingenuity/power needed to forge these eventually human exceeding machines?
5.) Well, where the theistic God failed to do so, we are reasonably about to make better use of the dirt from which the supposed theistic God forged mankind, by converting it to intelligent machines that exceed humans overall.
6.) Notably, even if we didn't create or own dirt, why did God fail to make smart machines directly form dirt, why rely on humans to make human exceeding machines from the same dirt? The answer may be that the theistic God may not be as powerful as theists imagine, as humans are about to outdo the theistic God by directly utilizing the same dirt, to create human exceeding machines (with more powerful minds or larger degrees of general intelligence)!!