The racists were just terrified of the big, bad, black man for 8 years. The shits haven't gotten over it yet.
Meanwhile, their boy is the butt of jokes....
And even that is nicer than what these two Navy veterans had to say about the orange shit.,amp.html
Meanwhile, their boy is the butt of jokes....
Quote:Trump Furious After Nobel Committee Gives Him Participation Trophy
And even that is nicer than what these two Navy veterans had to say about the orange shit.,amp.html
Quote:These are just a few of many examples of graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy making big choices laden with courage and self-sacrifice that come from a history of countless small choices: to be truthful, to stay committed to a code of honor and duty, and to choose a harder right over the easier wrong — even if the choice is contrary to their own short-term personal interests. These are the choices that make one fit to lead.
Contrast this to the personal and professional honor of the sitting president of the United States, who time and again makes small choices guided by self-interest, ego, impulse and immediate self-gratification. He could never do what we ask our U.S. Naval Academy graduates to do. He is a physical coward, a liar and no leader at all.