Although not Christian:
1. I believe there is infinite universes with life created by God let alone other planets with life
2. I believe all of them would have Messengers and Prophets and Guides and holy books.
3. I believe there is always two type of creations that are created in the image of God and have instances of the holy spirit in all universes:
Weak vulnerable beings that can be hurt, die, and suffer.
Strong invisible beings that occupy a higher realm and can communicate telepathy wise and have powers.
That realm is connected to us and we are part of it, but it's hidden from us.
Some of the weak vulnerable beings realize they have powers as well and they can borrow powers from these beings and the trial then is would they rely on them for guidance or rely on God.
The problem is the powerful beings look at us and think they are more fit for delegation. When Angels all prostrated save Iblis, that was a huge trial, in that, they decided to be a humble and accept God's command, and not disbelieve.
Iblis disbelieved and even deceived to rebel against the exalted ones a party of the Angels.
The thing is the problem is always delegation. While it's not a problem for a the outward forming type creature to take on representation of God, in fact, it's a problem if Angels are delegated this task.
Angels in the unseen take on various forms, and in the outward, they take on same form as a human. To know which represents the light of God in the unseen takes a guided heart that sees in the first place. Humans can take forms in unseen as well, and they have different forms like Angels there, but the representative of God can guide in the unseen.
But if we are confused or not connected to the higher realms like most humans, can we trust our vision and judgement of who is a reliable or not reliable Angel and who is an Angel and who is a Jinn who thinks they are an Angel but are misguided?
Can we tell if it's a deceiving Jinn?
This is new easy thing to decipher.
We may than if disconnected either feel the need to get connected to the spiritual world and open a 3rd eye when not ready.
The question is who teaches us the discipline to control that and control magical eye and power properly?
We may need human "teachers", but then we have a problem.... who do we trust as human leaders... if Angels are the ones trust for leadership... and we need to see them in the inward and be able to decipher... the problem is delegation.
So delegation is wiser that it takes on the form of a the form of the clay like creatures who have to form themselves and develop themselves to gain power and rely on God and his water to mold properly.
If we rely on unknown hidden beings or who claim to represent them, we get into much problems.
So it makes sense leadership and representing God take on the form of the sentient vulnerable creatures.
That hidden beings can witness them in the unseen and see their powers there and superiority if they are honest to themselves.
While we can make use of their words, and they can speak to us about God's book directly, and relate God's message to us, and present proofs of their nature through miracles and God can prove them through miracles and his superior way of speaking.....
This way, no human who is weak has to rely on other then God and his chosen guidance, and delegation to humans as rulers and representatives, that is he chooses from them, makes sense.
The Angel Messengers who relate the message are part of God's plan, but the position of leadership and representing God's authority and God's command, is for humans.
So in the worlds, it is always designed that way, those who take on physical form are going to have the best created in them, to represent God and his guidance, otherwise, we get into delegation problems.
Unfortunately, most Jinn still think they are the boss of us.
1. I believe there is infinite universes with life created by God let alone other planets with life
2. I believe all of them would have Messengers and Prophets and Guides and holy books.
3. I believe there is always two type of creations that are created in the image of God and have instances of the holy spirit in all universes:
Weak vulnerable beings that can be hurt, die, and suffer.
Strong invisible beings that occupy a higher realm and can communicate telepathy wise and have powers.
That realm is connected to us and we are part of it, but it's hidden from us.
Some of the weak vulnerable beings realize they have powers as well and they can borrow powers from these beings and the trial then is would they rely on them for guidance or rely on God.
The problem is the powerful beings look at us and think they are more fit for delegation. When Angels all prostrated save Iblis, that was a huge trial, in that, they decided to be a humble and accept God's command, and not disbelieve.
Iblis disbelieved and even deceived to rebel against the exalted ones a party of the Angels.
The thing is the problem is always delegation. While it's not a problem for a the outward forming type creature to take on representation of God, in fact, it's a problem if Angels are delegated this task.
Angels in the unseen take on various forms, and in the outward, they take on same form as a human. To know which represents the light of God in the unseen takes a guided heart that sees in the first place. Humans can take forms in unseen as well, and they have different forms like Angels there, but the representative of God can guide in the unseen.
But if we are confused or not connected to the higher realms like most humans, can we trust our vision and judgement of who is a reliable or not reliable Angel and who is an Angel and who is a Jinn who thinks they are an Angel but are misguided?
Can we tell if it's a deceiving Jinn?
This is new easy thing to decipher.
We may than if disconnected either feel the need to get connected to the spiritual world and open a 3rd eye when not ready.
The question is who teaches us the discipline to control that and control magical eye and power properly?
We may need human "teachers", but then we have a problem.... who do we trust as human leaders... if Angels are the ones trust for leadership... and we need to see them in the inward and be able to decipher... the problem is delegation.
So delegation is wiser that it takes on the form of a the form of the clay like creatures who have to form themselves and develop themselves to gain power and rely on God and his water to mold properly.
If we rely on unknown hidden beings or who claim to represent them, we get into much problems.
So it makes sense leadership and representing God take on the form of the sentient vulnerable creatures.
That hidden beings can witness them in the unseen and see their powers there and superiority if they are honest to themselves.
While we can make use of their words, and they can speak to us about God's book directly, and relate God's message to us, and present proofs of their nature through miracles and God can prove them through miracles and his superior way of speaking.....
This way, no human who is weak has to rely on other then God and his chosen guidance, and delegation to humans as rulers and representatives, that is he chooses from them, makes sense.
The Angel Messengers who relate the message are part of God's plan, but the position of leadership and representing God's authority and God's command, is for humans.
So in the worlds, it is always designed that way, those who take on physical form are going to have the best created in them, to represent God and his guidance, otherwise, we get into delegation problems.
Unfortunately, most Jinn still think they are the boss of us.