(September 5, 2018 at 11:24 am)Abaddon_ire Wrote:moron what are you on about?(September 5, 2018 at 10:56 am)Drich Wrote: there are no Christian examples of God demanding human sacrifice. Jesus was an OT example of a blood sacrifice His conenant "christianity" did not happen until after his resurrection and ascension back into heaven the exact pin point would be acts 2 :38 when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the people. So from this start of 'christianity' till the projected end in revelation there is no call for human sacrifice. do you understand now or do i need to make it more simple for you?Before I tell you I will grant you only one opportunity to retract. After that, no prisoners will be taken.
Quote:I am not referring to Abe at all, although it was yet another example of how horrible your god actually is. No, I was referring to actual human sacrifice.stupid f-ing moron you inturupted me by answering a post not directed at you but to the OP She asked what are you not willing to do for God then she claim you can't take human sacrifice off the table because of aberham.. I pointed out Aberham and God had a specific covenant between the two of them and me as a christian am not apart of that deal.
So we have to go by the rules of christian which has no provision for human sacerfice meaning if God told me to kill someone I could say that is not God asking to kill... then you jumped in mid stream like a dumbass complete 1/2 cocked and oblivious to the conversation, but determined to set me straight.. such a typical troll/atheist.
Quote:Face it. You have not read the holey babble.bring it squirt.. what do you have..
Remember I am not an OT Jew.
The bible repersents 3 distinct religious works.. I only am apart of one of those efforts. so only 1/3 of the stuff in the bible need apply. now... go
(September 4, 2018 at 3:11 pm)Drich Wrote: But again after Christ died he specifically said no one else need die. so again... whole other religion! if you want to frame a question based on the religion you must be willing to take an answer like this to the bank. If however if you want a murderous answer you must change the rules of the religion to resemble something like the agreement God had with abraham as that was a personal agreement and not even a jewish thing.
Quote:Why is everyone still dying?what?!?!? The?!?!? F!?!?
seriously??? does one of your atheist buddies want to answer for me so as to not make you look like a complete moron?
Jesus death on cross= no one else dies for sin...=human sacrifice taken off table for all NT Christians.
You understand dat? you need me make more simple???
Quote:Yup. You also know that you are not coming back the next day. God's bastard knew he was. Thus not a sacrifice of any stripe.to whom was he gone but 3 days? us or him? do you know what he endured in the time he was gone? Could you last 3 days in Hell? could you last the time Jesus spent in Hell.. Just asking what if apart of him remains?
(September 5, 2018 at 10:56 am)Drich Wrote: is it any less of a sacrifice if you did it without thinking or if you made the decision before hand?Course it is. [/quote] sorry calling bull shit on this one! if you jump on a gernade out of reflext or thought for a second and relized it was the only way the sacerfice is the same, you have you guts blow out of your body and for that last min or 30 seconds you are lit in shock and or pain. Christ went a whole day of beatings cat o 9 tails style then drawn and nailed to a cross and over several hours suffocated and died. you can brush that off as you would not be willing to go through that for anyone.
Quote:The whole thing is a stack of lies. 3 days? My butt. Day and a half at best according to the babble.https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_conti...RxuzSdOqM0
Sabbath= high holy day and seventh day. it is possible to have two sabbaths in one week
Quote:And the tinpot would be jewish dictator already knew that he would be merely inconvenienced for a weekend.?
Quote:Well we are clocking up something in the region of 120 billion deaths so far. Your god's promises seem to be remarkably useless.deaths as a way to atone for sin moron.
(September 5, 2018 at 10:56 am)Drich Wrote: so then to ask would you kill your son if God askes,
Quote:No. Were such a deity to actually exist, I would promptly invite him/her/it/housecat to take an unlikely anatomical excursion. On the other hand, if the imaginary voices in your head told you to perform such a heinous act, you would without question. That is sick.shameful cherry picked straw man attempt.
Quote:which was my point for the beginning. If you would have just allowed me to walk though at my own pace I would have shown you another way to get here.(September 5, 2018 at 10:56 am)Drich Wrote: we know God would never ask a christian to do that.No, you don't. Because your god did. It's in your holey babble.