Yet another TTA emigrant here.
I'm not very open about my offline identity. I'm a (mostly) lifelong atheist, with that "mostly" qualifier being that I had a culturally-Jewish mom who tried to have me immersed in Judaism for purposes of shared cultural identity, but I was calling bullshit on it sometime around age 9. I like giving long-winded logical responses to posts and posters that manifestly do not deserve them, and I should probably get used to using the [hide] tags so that people don't have to scroll past my walls of text.
Also, I'm having trouble actually seeing the BBcode in quotes and when editing previewed posts, rather than what they'll look like after I post. Time to futz around in the settings.
Being an antipistevist is like being an antipastovist, only with epistemic responsibility instead of bruschetta.
Ignore list includes: 1 douche bag (Drich)
Ignore list includes: 1 douche bag (Drich)