(September 23, 2018 at 3:05 pm)MysticKnight Wrote: God by definition is a being that deserves the highest level of love. Of course if we were truly convinced he was real we would not exchange a relationship with him to a bad one for the sake of a woman.
At the same time if you can imagine a real good life with a woman and she isn’t upon that path to God you believe in, suppose he was not real would it be worth giving all that up for a belief that is built on uncertainty.
To know which true God exists requires proof, that proof unseen needs to be brought and to brought out miracles of the Moses and Jesus kind need to be displayed.
Scripture is meant to be interpreted by a leader from God or otherwise it is bound to cause more division then unity and more harm then good.
Aswell otherwise there is infinite interpretations that can lead us away from the true light and path and God.
All this reasoning has brought me to one conclusion. Either god is going to guide me through his guide and display miralces or he has made guidance nearly impossible and I am bound to be astray In some respects.
The latter is too mavelonent to merit any attention and take seriously while the former seems the only possible conclusion if any religion is true yet here I am waiting eagerly and yet to be shown so that no amount of doubt remains.
And as for who we are and what to make how we can possibly exist or inherit our actions without perfect Judging Vision without God and what to make of love and morality if there is no objective guidance and way to balance things i their proper place.
Frankly I do not know and it seems completely illusionary.
Now I can keep taking refuge in logical rationalization of the name of god and living connection but truth is I am disconnected if such a connection is real.
If all this is an illusion, I have to just value the experience of humans whether built on false grounds and false mythology in the past and realize love seeks to value perhaps what has no substance but yet love is real and values itself the most in living beings and so if there is no guided path or way to balance love but rather only a chaotic nature mix of knowledge and ignorance, truth and falsehood, then the good relies on forgiving people way of errors and misguidance and seeing that almost every human is trying to love in a meaningful way.
But if there is a guidance and it is clear, then love obligates us to follow it and love according to wisdom and knowledge emenatibg from it.
I do not know why people don’t see the family of Mohammad in Quran and recognize their position in there but even black magic can be something from a different dimension to the universe and by a world of beings and things we have yet to scientifically become acquainted with.
I don’t know why all this hate towards the family of Mohammad to the extent in blinds them.
My best bet remains it’s due to them being the true guides but maybe it was because their propaganda would have taken over the world and the wrong world government would take place and so they resorted to blinding people.
While they would be wrong for deceiving people and blinding them, it would not prove the other side to be the truth.
It would show they are afraid of people believing In the Quran as far as these teachings go but aside from that, not much more can be proven about the people they are envying.
At the heart of it is the notion of justice as far as retribution and punishment goes and exactly what consists of evil.
One side seems to believe in more understanding and less judgement while the other side seems to believe in a very clear judgement with no wiggle room or little of it for excuses and not meriting divine wrath.
The realms might just be a different way the universe operate with a different type of dimension of our psyche energy.
We imagine matter to be the opposite of what we experience of first view consciousness but maybe the universe is also made out of that down to the last atom.
That psyche energy might be how we developed notions of good and evil as far the soul becoming more evil and good and it can be intristic part of reality our consciousness either moves up and down.
While such a world definitely is spiritual the design of it may or may have not been perfectly orchestrated by a designer of absolute wisdom:
It maybe there is a war over how souls should be dealt with from higher type conscious beings and there is battle from the start on who should lead if any or what type of punishments if any should happen to bad souls.
That is Perhqps the higher realms of power and psych power is a battle ground of views just as our world is.
Jesus may guide for example in that world but what constitutes proof of who God or if there an ultimate Being at this point. That is to say maybe our psyche survives in that world but that is not to say it proves any religion or the ultimate being to be true.
There is an opposing view in the spiritual realms for every view in it.
And if magic exists what exact level of it constitutes a miracle. Is showing you are on the ruling Unseen beings side a proof or is it only a proof if you already know God exists and would not let the universe be run by misguiding forces.
Miracles hence can not prove God but rather knowing God is prerequisite to knowing miracles and what level of magic would prove a being to be a trusted one of God pertaining to guidance.
Perhaps I am confusing myself to justify my desire to be with an Atheist woman. Perhaps on the other hand I should see if I am certain of what I think I know.
Dear leader and guide of the world to God if God exists and you are he witnessing vision by which all souls are to know themselves and God through, I am asking you to show me miracles and not let me lose my way and guide me and not leave to myself.
Certainly no woman no matter how beautiful would be worth betraying you and yet no illusion no matter how beautiful should be worth giving up a attempt to a relationship to a real human being.
Please do not mock me guys.
I'll take performing cunnilingus over god at any time! Just thought I would establish a priority baseline!
God thinks it's fun to confuse primates. Larsen's God!