Good thing I bought that freezer.
Saw a doe run thru early in the day. I never shoot at moving targets.
Evening came, she came back going the other way. She made the mistake of stopping. She ran less than 100 yards. Upon gutting - found it was a good heart shot.
Reloaded. Decided to wait til dark.
I hunt under " Mafia rules" - that is - never leave any witnesses. If you shoot into a big herd - you won't see the rest that year - and maybe next.
Then a small herd came across the field. All does, two fairly large - the rest yearlings.
Real tempting - but I decided to hold off.
Sometimes patience pays off. This time it did. I looked out across the field, and saw a big buck. I closed the back blackout curtains, set up for what I considered his most likely path , got into position, took several deep breaths, and waited. It was probably only 2 minutes before he came into view out the North window.
He' s now hanging out back. A nice 9 point. Would have been 10, but one broken off.
That new .450 Bushmaster is quite the round. 2 heart shots, at 120 to 150 yards.
Tomorrow, I' ll be butchering
Backstraps for dinner.
Saw a doe run thru early in the day. I never shoot at moving targets.
Evening came, she came back going the other way. She made the mistake of stopping. She ran less than 100 yards. Upon gutting - found it was a good heart shot.
Reloaded. Decided to wait til dark.
I hunt under " Mafia rules" - that is - never leave any witnesses. If you shoot into a big herd - you won't see the rest that year - and maybe next.
Then a small herd came across the field. All does, two fairly large - the rest yearlings.
Real tempting - but I decided to hold off.
Sometimes patience pays off. This time it did. I looked out across the field, and saw a big buck. I closed the back blackout curtains, set up for what I considered his most likely path , got into position, took several deep breaths, and waited. It was probably only 2 minutes before he came into view out the North window.
He' s now hanging out back. A nice 9 point. Would have been 10, but one broken off.
That new .450 Bushmaster is quite the round. 2 heart shots, at 120 to 150 yards.
Tomorrow, I' ll be butchering
Backstraps for dinner.