(May 26, 2009 at 7:26 pm)padraic Wrote: @Giff
That all of your relationships have ended within a couple of years says nothing necessarily about relationships or your partners, but it implies a lot about you, beginning with the likelihood that you are under 30.
Nothing I see as a bad thing. Don't think someone is better for having the same partner for 20 years+ or so. I mean I don't see the point of that, I could emagine being quite boring. However if someone havent' tried diffrent things then they might not know what they're missing.
But I don't know how it will be when I become older. I guess that it won't be until I'm 40 and so and don't want loose relatioships or one-night-stands anymore. However I really don't see that happening, but again I have to wait and see.
I have never said that I loved someone either, might been told that but never returned the favor so to speak. So perhaps I have a commitment issue, what do I know? But what I do know is that I find commitment to be overrated.
They're is of course advantages with both lifestyles. But I think mine have the most.
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