(January 30, 2019 at 1:46 pm)Brian37 Wrote: Um no, there are people whom have been convinced that they are nothing without old mythology.so which talking point of mine does this relate to? or is this some closed minded rhetoric you are using so you have something to say?
Quote:If you think Muslims or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists don't also discriminate against LGBT you are a fool.who cares? what does this snaw man have to do with the OP?
Quote:Most of our planet is still stuck in an age that sexuality is defined by religion. LGBT rights only exist in the west, and even then on a limited scale.so what? in those same open to lgbt minds are closed to human rights in those countries in the near and far east by not acknowledging modern slavery is what fuels their consumer lifestyle.
Quote:If you think China or even Japan give rights to LGBT to the same extent, IF AT ALL, to LGBT that America does, you are an IDIOT!maybe because in their culture it is view differently. who are you to say what is right in china or japan?
Quote:Islam as far as LGBT is even worse than the likes of your "at lest we don't murder them". In the middle east, they arrest you, whip you, and or MURDER YOU.again to what talking point of mine is this supposed to address?
Quote:The idea that ANY religion is a magical cure to anything not heterosexual. IS FUCKING NONSENSE!when did I say this?
Quote:What you are pointing out with your horrible claims here, are humans refusing to get with modern understanding.no you stupid moron, I said what of those in the lgbt community who choose to have a traditional family and wants out? where do they go? what programs in the lgbt community do you have in place for people who have been traumatized by the life style and seek to return to a traditional role in soceity? all the lgbt community would have to offer someone wanting out is hate vitriol and persecution... hence the need and role the church actually has for those seeking out of the lgbt community!!!
Quote:I am sure there are people who claimed to "formally" be gay, but no, all they did was confuse the constant vilification of their individual nature as being evil, and were never given a chance to be themselves.again dummy what of the one who has been gay but seeks a traditional herto life now? Never met a gay woman who's bio clock starts ticking so loudly she would want to stop any and all non baby getting business and put all of her efforts into getting pregnet? what's wrong with you that you would ignore or not count someone who's bio nature demand they live a hetro lifestyle? after all isn't that your line to excuse gay relationships to begin with? again what happens when they want out? are you saying out of the millions of truly gay people not one ever not 10 ever not 100 ever in the history of man apart from religion want to live and love the herto lifestyle? in your tiny little mind you can not fathom the love of a child or the love for a family trumps some guys need to be drilled in the can? If gay people can not love children more than them selves/as any parent would do if they had them and always put themselves first how are they not monsters?
So then if gat people with kids can put those kids first and want to live a traditional life for those kids would they not want out of the lgbt community?
Quote:There is NO SUCH THING as a "religious cure" for anything. There are only humans used to social norms whom get sold the bigotry of their parents/ society.
retard I will ask you again what programs do the lgbt community offer people who are currently in the community help to recover their hertosexual life style? now because lgbt's do not offer a way out and the church does... then by default the church become the cure for those who have that need.