(February 3, 2019 at 5:55 am)Der/die AtheistIn Wrote: I understand why some moderates insist on baptism, religious wedding and funerals.Point of order. For the religious the wedding should be listed before the baptism...
(February 3, 2019 at 5:55 am)Der/die AtheistIn Wrote: I disagree with them, but I understand why they want those things so bad.So what? As an atheist, I attend weddings, baptisms and funerals. Those are social occasions. What of it? Why are you bent out of shape about it. One goes to, does the social thing and that is the end of it. Sure, there are some conventions that are stupid, for example, when my mother died we broke with tradition at her funeral. Tradition has it that all attendees process to the front row and shake all of the immediate families hand and one stands for that. My father had Alz, so we all knew that if we stood for the handshakes, he would and he was not capable. So we all agreed to remain seated. Us being atheists we didn't care. The religious were scandalised at such abject disrespect of baby jesus. We didn't care.
What is it that you are scared of?
All I can tell you is that long before he died, we got to thrash it out to happy conclusion. No bitterness or rancour or anything of that nature. In fact we came to know each other much better. Best thing I ever did. We got to pass his twilight years together with that mutual bond of understanding. I even moved in with him for a few years in the end when he became unsafe to leave alone.
However, you are young and I am not. Just bear in mind that all things are possible. In time.
(February 3, 2019 at 5:55 am)Der/die AtheistIn Wrote: However, what I do not understand is if a moderate insist that you shouldn't clean the house or do the laundry on Sunday, even if they claim that God won't punish you. These moderates don't have anything against if you do your homework or learn on Sunday, because repetition helps you learn. They also have nothing against people who work at a job during Sunday or holidays. When I asked them why you shouldn't do certain chores, they responded: "Because you need to relax.". I agree that we all need a break from time to time, but why such a big break on Sunday every time?Originally, because bible gunderscored rested on the seventh day after his effort of creation (yes, apparently god gets tired). Anyway you get saturday off. Then christians turn up and hijack that and simply move it to sunday to make themselves distinct.
(February 3, 2019 at 5:55 am)Der/die AtheistIn Wrote: Some of them also insist that you shouldn't eat anything, before you eat the cracker at the Eucharist. Why? Do they think that God, the creator of the Universe would create such a stupid ritual to give you luck and would care if you ate something or not before?The fasting thing was catholic doctrine. The thinking was not to pollute the reverend host with whatever it was yo last ate. Biology wrecked that
(February 3, 2019 at 5:55 am)Der/die AtheistIn Wrote: If they're doing it for social reasons only, why bother not to eat before? People are not going to look through your stomach. Are they afraid that someone might ask them if they ate and they don't want to lie?My father rigoursly applied the 4 hour rule, why? Beats me. Neither his wife nor his four atheist children did.He was raised in a strict catholic family, so make of that what you will.
(February 3, 2019 at 5:55 am)Der/die AtheistIn Wrote: Finally, the moderates that I know insist with this rule, tell me that they have religion just for comfort. Why does this give them comfort? If they're imagining that a God protects them, why even bother with certain rituals that nobody cares about? Do they like the game monkey see, monkey do so much that they'll do it when it's completely unnecessary?It's a desire for some modicum of control. Two weeks ago a work colleague died by means of a random traffic accident. Driver next to her had a diabetic incident and went all over. She took evasive action and ended up tangling with a 40 ft truck. The truck won and she died in grisly fashion. Tragic.
Those of a religious bent were straight in there with their death cult. It is comforting for people to think that the suddenly, arbitrarily dead live on in some fashion.
Now as an atheist, one could wade in with the unsympathetic boots of arrogant certainty of how religion is fake, but that would be entirely insensitive and outrageous. She is gone. Permanently. That happy face is not coming back, not here, not heaven not in any magic spirit world.
But is this the time to spout atheist thoughts on the matter? I think not. This is a time to sit down and shut the F up.