(February 24, 2019 at 12:30 pm)Brian37 Wrote: I invite any Christian, any Jew, any Buddhist, and Hindu, Muslim, any whatever, to answer the following question.

Quote:What makes you think, your specific religion and or sect, will survive forever?It won't.. depending on which interpretation there will be a great rapture where all but a reminate will go to heaven in a flash. and the rest will remain to try and save the rest of you lot and to be persecuted by those who really hate God.
Once the last person who will be saves is saved God simply puts and end by calling everyone up and let the rest of you go nuts eat each other/zombie each other.
Quote:And I don't want puppets with hands up their backs responding. I want your personal opinion, not what your god or holy person or holy writing says.I see this happening as things are being put into motion everyday. Things happening that have never happened before.
Quote:There was an oral tradition of religion long before written language. There are also lots of dead religions nobody believes in now.and you think 2000 years is nothing? The reason no one believes in those religions is there is nothing powering them any more. I know you and people like yourself think you are special and smarter than everyone else. The thing is your fellow man is not as dumb as you think. they can tell when a religion is making good and when it is not. When a religion is not making good it dies.
Christianity is still making good on it's top shelf promises!
Quote:What makes anyone think, say in 20,000 years, if humans manage not to blow themselves up in a nuclear war, or we don't get killed off by a meteor, or mega volcano, and we manage to stop global warming. What makes anyone think today's currently held worldwide religions wont morph into something unrecognizable or simply completely die out in 20,000 years?it will change. as the nature of the church now has a role as being a furture brid of Christ in 20K years hopefully we can walk and work with Christ as a partner and not someone in waiting.
Quote:And again, please don't respond with, "My blah blah blah says."
I want your opinion, not preaching, or selling.
why do I think these things? because of what i have experienced over my life. I know what it is like to work with God and to be in his will andknow our eternity future will be filled out this way.