I did Shotokan Karate before I went into the army. Only obtained a few colour belts. You're considered on your way to being skilled skilled from sho dan (first degree black belt).
In the army they once made me put on boxing gloves. Since kicking him in the head was out of the question, I was very quickly KO.Wasn't required to box after that.
Did a bit of Judo in the army. A couple of colour belts, awarded in competition.
My fighting style quickly developed into that suggested by Jigaro Kano, founder of Kodokan Judo:
Reporter "Sensei, what did you do when confronted before you learned Judo?"
Kano " I would run away"
Reporter " What do you do now?"
Kano . " Ah. Now I run away CONFIDENTLY!"
In the army they once made me put on boxing gloves. Since kicking him in the head was out of the question, I was very quickly KO.Wasn't required to box after that.
Did a bit of Judo in the army. A couple of colour belts, awarded in competition.
My fighting style quickly developed into that suggested by Jigaro Kano, founder of Kodokan Judo:
Reporter "Sensei, what did you do when confronted before you learned Judo?"
Kano " I would run away"
Reporter " What do you do now?"
Kano . " Ah. Now I run away CONFIDENTLY!"