(July 14, 2019 at 2:34 am)Guard of Guardians Wrote:(July 3, 2019 at 5:05 pm)Losty Wrote: Can you name any type of real discrimination against Christians in America?
Also, why is that asking people not to tag you in religious posts on social media, saying happy holidays, and maintaining a separation of church and state is so often considered a war on Christianity; however, the same Christians that claim oppression have no qualms about mistreating anyone who dares to openly not be Christian?
It’s still fairly mild in the U.S. compared to getting your head chopped off in other nations, but it really doesn’t take a lot effort to find significant evidence of both hostility and discrimination mostly based on leftist Marxist ideology, which makes common cause with naturalists/materialists, Muslims, and others.
https://nationalpost.com/news/world/u-k-...government (A British Example)
Regarding the separation of Church & State, Christians already believe in that, at least Protestant Christians. We don’t want a particular church in charge of the state, as that would inevitably lead to a threatening of the rights of other Christian sects, as well as those of other religions or no religion at all a right to their freedom of conscience. The modern version of the Separation of Church & State wasn’t instituted in America until 1947, after Everson v. Board of Education and the decision written by Hugo Black, which was a deliberate revision of history and misunderstanding of Thomas Jefferson’s letter written to the Pastor of a Baptist church, if I recall correctly. I don’t know why anyone would have a problem with asking not to be tagged, but the Separation of Church & State is an artificial and false standard that has been added in the last 70 years in order to push Christians out of the public square and foster a hostility toward Christianity on the part of the government, which of course, was never the intent of America’s Founders. I mean, Thomas Jefferson used to hold church serves on Sunday inside the Capitol Building of the United States back in the early 1800s. It’s obvious that neither he, nor any of the other Founders of note had anything like today’s modern notion of the Separation of Church & State in mind. That’s why people tend to see the modern imposition of the Separation of Church & State for what it really is.
Firing someone for refusing to use another person’s preferred pronouns is not discrimination. If anything, the person who was fired was the one doing the discriminating.
A place of education definitely has a right to not employ someone who refuses to teach real science and/or insists on teaching fake science in their school. A university is not a church, people who want to learn about god have a plethora of religious organizations they can join. When people go to school they go to learn real evidence based information. It’s not to say a person cannot attend or teach at a university as a Christian. They can refuse to accept science personally, but they still have to learn/teach real science in a school. I don’t consider that to be discrimination against Christianity or Christians. There are people who don’t believe in mars, they have a right to not believe in mars. They won’t be hired to teach about space exploration though.
Most places in public are fine to preach in. If you’re inciting violence, that’s illegal. Not allowing Christian preachers to incite violence isn’t discrimination against them. It’s just a protection of the minorities that they target.
The last link isn’t even in America, but again if someone refuses to call another person by their preferred pronoun they are the ones discriminating. People are welcome to be bigots on their own time, but if your bigotry reflects poorly on a company’s image that company is also welcome to fire you.
No matter how you spin it, separation of church and state is not discrimination against Christians. It doesn’t matter if that’s what the founding fathers intended. America is a nation of its people, not a nation of its founding fathers. Religion (Christian or otherwise) has no place in government.