RE: So what happened?
July 19, 2019 at 3:36 pm
(This post was last modified: July 19, 2019 at 4:06 pm by Drich.)
(July 18, 2019 at 7:55 pm)Athene Wrote: If memory serves me correctly, Drich has claimed that his unfortunate lack of grammar is due to dyslexia.
So if you make fun of him for it, you're a big ole meanie!
Of course Drich is a notorious LIAR, as those who are familiar with the fake AIDS story he presented in past threads to convince members of his god's miraculous healing powers are well-aware of.
So who knows, really?
He's capable of churning out tremendously long threads in short periods of time, so it stands to reason that at least some of his poor grammar is due to careless error.
I'm pretty sure that Drich would happily rip in to others for lousy grammar if the tables were turned, as he has no qualms about ridiculing the mentally-challenged or attacking people for shit that's beyond their control. So I don't think anyone owes him a pass for it.
Im not dyslexic now.. I was as a child which caused me to simply not learn how to read or write in school beyond 4th grade. Since then via comic books I taught myself. they helped me visualize what meant nothing before. I Should have never graduated. I was in special schools and classes all my life. Now despite my slow start I have over come and learned to be very successful. primarily because I learned how to use my mind, and know how to attract and keep good people/employees.. I had to learn My mind does not work like other people do and I can not learn the way you learned things. once I figured out how to learn I taught myself everything. or retranslated what I was being taught in such a way that I could use the information being provided.
as far as nailing other people about grammar If I ask it is to determine if english is the source language or if they are using a translator or program.
I am nothing but mercy and grace for someone who tries and fails. however because i was nothing bullied without mercy for be stupid I have very little grace or mercy for those like you who want to focus on the little gnats of a undotted I or an uncrossed T, while the 2x4 of broken logic, failed history or even blind faith has you speaking from emotion and rarely if ever truth or fact.
How silly are you to cross my t's when what is being discussed is how another language is compiled and does not use the letter "T".
How silly are you to collectively try and shame me for grammar in a chat centered around theology.. If any of you had any merit in anything you claim about my inabilities, then should the topic be my exegetical failure? why grammar? is my exegesis so strong you must find another flaw?
Do you even know this word? exegesis? yet you chastise me because I do not play by your rules of intelligence?
again if i did you would all be without hope or reason for your disbelief and would not explore God/faith beyond what you already want to believe.
Thought experiment, to prove what I say is true. How many of you join christian websites play with in their rules to be one of maybe 5 atheists and with in their rule set oppose each and every question statement of faith or comment they make using the very bible they use to make those assertions?
Even if you joined a christian web site you could not handle the daily bombardment of 10 to 20 people slamming you with facts and data you may never have heard before. Most of you break the rules so you can come back as a hero.. How much harder is it for you to stay when the rules are designed to cut people like you out? how many of you are willing to redesign your whole approach to have a religious discussion with a master in theology? Look at your comfort zone. you are the many. you have 10 to 20 supporters and only a hand full of detractors, but imagine if said detractor was perfect and could not be challenged or questioned. you all would run out screaming or devolve to a bucky ball and just "nut-huh, cause i said so!"
I am here, I have been broken for your benefit and mine.. could you imagine how impossible I would be if i was right down to my grammar?
(July 19, 2019 at 3:48 am)Mathilda Wrote: When Drich joins an otherwise interesting thread I just think .... /thread1... I did not join this thread. this is my thread. you joined it.
He's a noise generator. Much like Little Rik. Fit only to be ignored or laughed at.
and everytime you join a thread I'm like ugh.. got look at the ciggy hang out of her avatar's mouth.. Then I read what you have to say in my best dr.girlfriend voice.
(July 19, 2019 at 6:30 am)Mathilda Wrote:(July 19, 2019 at 4:16 am)Cod Wrote: At least Little Rik was harmless. I wouldn't say the same about Drich and his views.
True. Little Rik never once said that he would do whatever it takes to discipline his children and refused to rule anything out.

(July 19, 2019 at 9:23 am)Mister Agenda Wrote: So without fundies spamming the site with topics we've addressed over and over already, we tend to talk about other stuff? I don't really find that surprising. But I'm hoping that the Drich who has returned has turned over a new leaf. Frankly I started skipping his posts as soon as I saw the words 'cupcake' or 'sport'. That is, I was skipping a LOT of them.
Sport is a term of endearment. It means you played your hand before you got all the facts/rookie move or you are speaking in total ignorance. It is a non hurtful way of having someone check themselves before I wreck them if the continue down a broken chain of logic.. cupcake is a place holder for Mother-fer for you ladies. some of you make me want to shake you till you can think right. but I do not want to be angry because my frustration is inappropriate at that time... so cup cakes.