(July 19, 2019 at 1:46 am)Belaqua Wrote:
Ok that's fair, we can discuss. I hope this explains it better.
1. Are you not entirely yourself? You are simply Belaqua. That doesn't change with how much knowledge you acquire, or what affects your physical body goes through. Even if we lobotomized you, you would still be you, identified from the outside and inside. Observers might detect that you are different because someone punched you in the eye and gave you a shiner, but they could still identify you as Belaqua. Even if we could somehow change every identifiable thing about you, internally you would still identify, abstractly at the least, as yourself. That, I believe is what you meant by simple and unchanging. We people, reflect that about His nature. We may not see clearly exactly all the attributes of what we call God, but they're there to us. We then assume that He is a simple entity in that He is one thing. Christianity is fairly united on that point, and I agree that God is just one thing, on a basic and scriptural level. This being said, I can know God exists, just as I know Belaqua exists.
2. I'm a little lost on your definition of omniscience. Just as you can be changed from the outside, God can be changed. Not His nature, but His heart. If you don't believe that you can throw out prayer, and every verse on petition and pleading with God. Every Christian I know believes that God can answer prayer, meaning our circumstance can change in relation to God's will for us, in our time. This proves that from God's perspective, He may already know what will happen in every eventuality (my common definition of omniscience), from our perspective His will has changed for us or He has enacted a plan that we were not knowing about.
3. Knowledge isn't a duality because it there is an observer and an object. Knowledge is a duality because there is a known and an unknown. The duality of the Human brain is organized that way. As I don't believe God has a brain, there is no duality of knowledge and all is simply known (another version of my definition of omniscience).
4. It's a little ridiculous to say "it's false to say God knows things". That's a bit of word salad you are concocting there. I'll just give you a reference https://www.blueletterbible.org/faq/don_...rt_359.cfm
To admit than I can't fully explain every aspect of you or God, isn't wrong, because it's actually so complex. People are complex, how much more complex must the creator be? I believe your discussion here of potential is relevant. Look at it this way. God is God eternally, and He has the potential to change. If He is a personal God and can be swayed or petitioned than He has the potential for change from our perspective. Lots of Christians don't know about or agree with your exegesis because it is [b]not/b] the foundation of mainstream traditional Christian theology, nor have you cited anywhere where it is stated as you have stated it.
"There ought to be a term that would designate those who actually follow the teachings of Jesus, since the word 'Christian' has been largely divorced from those teachings, and so polluted by fundamentalists that it has come to connote their polar opposite: intolerance, vindictive hatred, and bigotry." -- Philip Stater, Huffington Post
always working on cleaning my windows- me regarding Johari
always working on cleaning my windows- me regarding Johari