(November 2, 2019 at 5:26 am)I believe in Harry Potter Wrote: This is an issue i don't really always feel comfortable opening up and talking about and i wonder if anyone besides me have had any experience with mental illness , alergies , personality disorders etc. besides me which i have been having anxiety related to people ,can't handle eye contact , obsessive extreme thoughts , mood swings, social fear and insomnia so i think it's probably a good time that i go get checked so that i know how to cope with it better, im having a lot of common ground with aspergers syndrome and schizoid personality disorder
Right. Let us get something straight. I willingly volunteer for support lines because it is a useful and worthy use of any spare time I may have. All of the brakes I have in that context do not apply here.
Here, I can say what I wish.
So if I chuck out my training out of hand, what would I say?
Well, I know the type and you don't want to know my honest answer. Not in public. Perhaps in private and possibly not even then.
Does that seem harsh? Well, tough luck. That is why everyone who volunteers for what ever counselling service has a back up team of councellors for the unbelievable crap that one hears on the lines.
This leads me to a conclusion that I would normally not discuss except among my colleagues. Nevertheless, as an anonymous nobody on this site I am able to speak without restriction because nobody will be identified.
As you self identify, you are a self destructive narcissist. You think the world revolves around you. So do all teens. So did I when I was a teen. Welcome to reality. That is all false.
You are a trojan horse account. A christian attempting to promote their BS. In which case, no thanks.
Either way, you are not being honest. The worst sin.
Either way, you are a childish dickhead.