(May 21, 2020 at 1:01 pm)The Grand Nudger Wrote: Iranaeus had similar thoughts. Not about the sim stuff, about the potential state of man and his relationship with god. That we could become gods, and that gods could become men to help others to find the way. Fallen angels that might be lifted back up, as it were. Lots of people did.
I'd wonder why a god would need a simulation as much as kirk wondered why it needed a starship, and assuming that we are in this simulation...my allegiances aren't exactly difficult to tease out. The simulation has run it's course, if that's the intended course. Who knows, maybe this is all down the rabbit hole even in context - because I'm an npc in some other actual persons simulation. Perhaps god is the only real boy in the entire game.
The reason kirk asked God why he needed a star ship is because kirk understanding of God is all magic. when in fact if God was quantifiable he would be an alien or a trans dimensional being to science. To which i answered God's use of the sim is not for his benfit but for our own. if we were the fallen and caught up in heavenly politics between lucifer and God and some of use were simply serving under lucifer as ordered verse those who served lucifer as a means to openly rebell. this would give us some peace at mind that when we are cast into hell we know God's judgement was true and just.
I know you guys think about my hell experience. but in truth the sharpest thing the deepest regret I had was not knowing.. or rather if I had only known the truth would i have done something different. this one thing would be the one thing that made hell intolerable. This one thing has lead me to 20 years of ministry/ 8 years here being bullied and pooped on, because I believe no one should be cast into hell with what if.. I know I cant save most of you but if i can give you peace at mind that you are where you are because God judged you justly, then you can accept hell and move on into oblivion. The torment lasts as long as i think your will or ability to not accept what God has done... because once i broke and felt my sanity leave i was going to slip away into nothing, which is when i was pulled back.
Why does god need this starship/sim?
mercy so we know who we really are.