Growing up with LD, AND A.D.D, i ALWAYS hated that shit when my parents or teachers said, "look it up in the dictionary". I always thought, how the fuck can I look it up if I don't know how to spell it?
But what I love about the internet is that if I don't know the meaning of a word, I can even fuck up the spelling and google will get me close enough to the word to find the correct definition.
TODAY, I just learned a new word. "Concomitantly" basically "happening at the same time, simultaneously". Often used in medical lingo referring to multiple conditions happening at the same time and or medications interacting at the same time.
But what I love about the internet is that if I don't know the meaning of a word, I can even fuck up the spelling and google will get me close enough to the word to find the correct definition.
TODAY, I just learned a new word. "Concomitantly" basically "happening at the same time, simultaneously". Often used in medical lingo referring to multiple conditions happening at the same time and or medications interacting at the same time.