Electoral college - out
Popular vote - in
There's a reason the Electoral College is still a thing...that reason is that it is beneficial to the presidential nominee who can woo the states with the most Electoral votes.
The "winner takes all" set up is crap that most states follow. If a state has 5,000 voters and the split is 2,501 to 2,499 all the electoral votes for that state go to the candidate with 2,501. To be truly fair and reflective of the popular vote this should result in a nearly 50/50 split in Electoral College votes. Of course, that's just redundant. Count the popular vote and go with it.
Popular vote - in
There's a reason the Electoral College is still a thing...that reason is that it is beneficial to the presidential nominee who can woo the states with the most Electoral votes.
The "winner takes all" set up is crap that most states follow. If a state has 5,000 voters and the split is 2,501 to 2,499 all the electoral votes for that state go to the candidate with 2,501. To be truly fair and reflective of the popular vote this should result in a nearly 50/50 split in Electoral College votes. Of course, that's just redundant. Count the popular vote and go with it.