A friend of the family passed away a few months ago, and we took on two of her pets. One of them is a cat who has been an indoor cat all his life.
I'm fine with an indoor cat and all, but this cat makes an unbelievable mess in the litter box. It's insane. I actually have two litter boxes in his area and I have to change them four times for every one time I change the litter box our other cat prefers to use. (I have two cats. And they seem to have claimed certain litter boxes as their own.) IDK whats up with him filling litter boxes like he does. I'm going to bring it up to the vet next time we go.
Anyway, I want to make this new cat an outdoor cat. But he is very afraid to be outside. It's like, he wants to go outside. He will walk outside, but then he gets scared and meows at the door and won't wander around. Every day that it's been nice, I've put him out on the porch with a can of tuna. He gets his fill (usually half the can) and then he goes straight to the door and meows continuously to get back in. He won't wander around or explore.
Anyone have any experience doing this sort of thing? I could really use some tips if anyone has them. I'd really like for him to hang out outside so he can do his "business" out there and not go through so much kitty litter. I've never seen a cat that didn't enjoy being outside.
I'm fine with an indoor cat and all, but this cat makes an unbelievable mess in the litter box. It's insane. I actually have two litter boxes in his area and I have to change them four times for every one time I change the litter box our other cat prefers to use. (I have two cats. And they seem to have claimed certain litter boxes as their own.) IDK whats up with him filling litter boxes like he does. I'm going to bring it up to the vet next time we go.
Anyway, I want to make this new cat an outdoor cat. But he is very afraid to be outside. It's like, he wants to go outside. He will walk outside, but then he gets scared and meows at the door and won't wander around. Every day that it's been nice, I've put him out on the porch with a can of tuna. He gets his fill (usually half the can) and then he goes straight to the door and meows continuously to get back in. He won't wander around or explore.
Anyone have any experience doing this sort of thing? I could really use some tips if anyone has them. I'd really like for him to hang out outside so he can do his "business" out there and not go through so much kitty litter. I've never seen a cat that didn't enjoy being outside.