There is no reason believing in love that last forever long lasting love at all. It's simply a myth. Also marriages is just a unnecissary tradition which from the beginning just had to do with economical advantages.
You can love and admire a person. Freidnship for an example, loving your family and so on. But being in love for decades is not happening. You can love that person but it's not in the same way as it was from the beginning. Usally persons who have been married or together during a long period of time aren't attracted to eachother as they were when they first met. They love eachother, but it's more like friendship, which can be very strong depedning on the couple. Many couples witness of this.
Humans are not meant to be with the same partner for rest of their life, some animals however are. Like swans, they are that kind of animal that does this. Apes, monkey and most mammals don't have the same partner. In many cultures, both that are extinct and on going is it usual to have diffrent partners, also at the same time.
Since humans get attracted by others is the relationship based on sexual prefrences. As I said scientist have determine that attraction and in love feeling dissepear after a couple of year, or even before that, which are supported by looking at when people get divorced. As I said before, after a couple years does the relationship either evolve to more of a friendship kind of way. But I can also lead to hatred, hostillity or just that the people does not match anymore and they can leave as friends, which are rare, or just without fighting.
You can love and admire a person. Freidnship for an example, loving your family and so on. But being in love for decades is not happening. You can love that person but it's not in the same way as it was from the beginning. Usally persons who have been married or together during a long period of time aren't attracted to eachother as they were when they first met. They love eachother, but it's more like friendship, which can be very strong depedning on the couple. Many couples witness of this.
Humans are not meant to be with the same partner for rest of their life, some animals however are. Like swans, they are that kind of animal that does this. Apes, monkey and most mammals don't have the same partner. In many cultures, both that are extinct and on going is it usual to have diffrent partners, also at the same time.
Since humans get attracted by others is the relationship based on sexual prefrences. As I said scientist have determine that attraction and in love feeling dissepear after a couple of year, or even before that, which are supported by looking at when people get divorced. As I said before, after a couple years does the relationship either evolve to more of a friendship kind of way. But I can also lead to hatred, hostillity or just that the people does not match anymore and they can leave as friends, which are rare, or just without fighting.
- Science is not trying to create an answer like religion, it tries to find an answer.