This has been very interesting. Each of your life philosophies have had their own unique merits. After asking you to show me your life philosophy, I thought it only fair to share my own. I think Marcus Aurelius sums up my view when he says 'What does not benefit the hive does not benefit the bee either.' I think all our actions should be aimed toward the greater good, and I try to live my life by that. Individualism just leads to heart ache for others and, in the long run, yourself hence I can see very few lasting benefits for thinking of tribal or individual interests before that of the majority of humanity. Obviously affecting the good of all humanity is beyond the majority of use, but by thinking of the good of others in our immediate area we can each create a better world for ourselves.
In tune with this I think short-term solutions should be avoided at all costs. We must always think of the long-term ramifications of our actions. In so doing we can decrease the harm we do to others. I tend to be against democracy as it tends to promote short-term solutions (popular vote winners) and individualism.
In tune with this I think short-term solutions should be avoided at all costs. We must always think of the long-term ramifications of our actions. In so doing we can decrease the harm we do to others. I tend to be against democracy as it tends to promote short-term solutions (popular vote winners) and individualism.