Well it's an entirely personal matter for me, to each his/her own. To me it demeans, to others it inspires. I have given my view here and on the other marriage thread, I'll leave it at that now 
I'll just say that the fact it's subjective and a personal matter is why I do believe it's just a fantasy...but - you can then of course just as easily argue that it's a fancy to not believe in marriage, since it's just a personal, subjective matter, in both cases
So I guess with me perhaps the fantasy is being able to get the same love with less - since to me personally that feels like it shows greater strength in the love. Since to those who believe in marriage, they, presumably; find a lot of value in the gesture itself and like to express their devotion to each other in that way, and with 'commitment'
So my point is one can't really have much of a true argument about it IMO...until he/she accepts that this is a subjective and personal matter. I'm sure we're all basically aware of this - but sometimes perhaps we get lost in our own views as if we temporarily forget that fact I think

I'll just say that the fact it's subjective and a personal matter is why I do believe it's just a fantasy...but - you can then of course just as easily argue that it's a fancy to not believe in marriage, since it's just a personal, subjective matter, in both cases

So I guess with me perhaps the fantasy is being able to get the same love with less - since to me personally that feels like it shows greater strength in the love. Since to those who believe in marriage, they, presumably; find a lot of value in the gesture itself and like to express their devotion to each other in that way, and with 'commitment'

So my point is one can't really have much of a true argument about it IMO...until he/she accepts that this is a subjective and personal matter. I'm sure we're all basically aware of this - but sometimes perhaps we get lost in our own views as if we temporarily forget that fact I think