(December 1, 2021 at 11:58 am)albatross Wrote: Well I hope this is the right place to make my presence known so here goes.
Me? I'm 76 today, married (for ever it feels!) with one sprog (son) and one granddaughter. My given name is Roger, Rog for short. Why my username? 'Cos I like Albatrosses!
We live in Norfolk on the edge of a village in an Edwardian villa (smallish!) having moved here in 1990 from Epping. My wife has never been gainfully employed since we married in 1976. For us it worked.
Much of our married life I've worked overseas, typically 4 - 6 weeks "in country" followed by 1 week back home.
And a HARD Atheist.
I'm not a forum/message board virgin but got hacked off from members of the last one by people telling me all sorts of things not least that I was hell bound. Trying to explain that hell was actually a Christian invention ---- well it didn't go down well and things became really nasty so it was a case of "bye guys".
Pets? Sadly none. In our physical health these days we would struggle to take care of a garden worm!
Car? I now leave that to my wife. I'm not safe on the road because of paralysis.
In an attempt to sum me up? I guess boring old fart would be close.
But most definitely a curmudgeon!
Another curmudgeon. Oh great, now there are to of us. You are my senior by two years.
Welcome from Sunny South Australia where Summer began 2 days ago. Yesterday the top temperature was 30C (86F). Here each season lasts exactly three months, by order of Parliament