Blowing up a bridge is a way to try to stop, or slow, movement between place A and place B. Seems a sound military move even if the disruption in travel lasted only a short time.
Blowing up hospitals, old folks' homes, daycare centers, etc. is shooting fish in a barrel.
Taking out, slowing, or stopping a potential threat vs. blowing up what can't hurt you....hmmm....seems there are now two solid contenders here on the forum vying for the top spot of people who are adding to the conspiracy theories and contributing nothing of value to the conversation. Funny that both think they are the smartest in the room.
Blowing up hospitals, old folks' homes, daycare centers, etc. is shooting fish in a barrel.
Taking out, slowing, or stopping a potential threat vs. blowing up what can't hurt you....hmmm....seems there are now two solid contenders here on the forum vying for the top spot of people who are adding to the conspiracy theories and contributing nothing of value to the conversation. Funny that both think they are the smartest in the room.