I didn't know where to begin here, so I figure I shall start with my coming out to my parents story. I was born in south florida in 1989. I was raised catholic, sent to sunday school every sunday of my life until I was a teenager. We mindlessly chanted all the songs and prayers week after week. I went along with it until I was exposed to alternate ways of thinking by my first real girlfriend in highschool. I must admit, even as a child, I was never fully convinced that the religious stories were true. I agreed because I felt the societal pressure, but I had a lingering feeling something was off. Then I met Cristina. She was openly anti-theist, and I never knew such a thing existed. Then the floodgates opened. I researched evolution, read Dawkin's the selfish gene, and that was it. For about a decade after that, I was dedicated, indeed obsessed, with uncovering the truth. Sam Harris' The End of Faith, Dawkins' "The God Delusion", and Hitchens' "God is Not Great", followed by Sagan's "Pale Blue Dot" all made it so incredibly clear to me.. On top of a basic study of evoluton...it all became so clear. I emailed my father a long essay of why I thought myself to be an "agnostic atheist". He replied with an essay of his own. His exposition was so very embarrassing.. he replied with quotes of Darwin speaking of "the impossibility of the human eye" and such, totally taken our of context. He said things like "why would randomness create such beauty as the hundreds of species of butterfly..." I didn't have the energy and time to combat it...simple as it could have been...(Leucochloridium)...
That was many years ago. I can no longer be honest with my friends, because not only are they religious ,they seriously think crystals have auras that can effect the natural world.
At this point, I am older. I feel....
I am surrounded by gullible morons.
That was many years ago. I can no longer be honest with my friends, because not only are they religious ,they seriously think crystals have auras that can effect the natural world.
At this point, I am older. I feel....
I am surrounded by gullible morons.