Lol. I just asked a simple one-line question and Deese starts yelling at me as usual. Also, I more than sufficiently answered in previous threads including Isaiah 53, Principle of Contingent Causation, Paschal's Wager, and is Atheism a Religion thread, and will continue to do so as time permits.
Regarding this thread topic, if Atheism is a (False) Religion, of course it will have founders, i.e. men and women who devised and propagated this erroneous philosophy. You should know John Maynard Keynes, the famous economist, said: "“Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist [like Marx, for e.g., both a bad economist and a bad atheistic philosopher]. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back”. The college we attend, the books we read, the things we hear, all these leave a lasting impact on our thought more than perhaps we realize. Another maxim that captures the essence of it is: "The philosophy of one generation is the common sense of the next". Marx, Darwin, Kinsey and others, by their bad and erroneous philosophy on some matters, prepared the way for modern Atheism.
St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas by contrast, excellent and highly learned Christian Philosophers, prepared the way for generations to remain Christian, as in fact happened, for centuries before around 1850 or so, after which Atheism steadily gained support and widespread popular appeal.
Arewethereyet, if that has been your experience, ok. You should know that, after 1960 or so, there are basically Two Churches within the Catholic Church. A Liberal Church and a Traditional Church. I don't mean just TLM-loving Catholics, who attend the Latin Mass and practice the Catholic Faith rigorously, of whom I am one - used to write for an American Catholic TLM website; now have my own - but also English Mass Catholics who take the Catholic Christian duty of striving for holiness seriously and are repulsed by that small minority of bad Priests. Since the discussion has turned to that again, I will just note Priests have a 99% success rate in rooting out pedophiles, while Secular Teachers around 95%. You rightly challenge us to make it 100% or close to that, and we agree completely that must be done - yet the same must be done in either sections of society, an it's unfair to target Priests as if all of them are pedophiles, when that's completely not true. Imo, anyone credibly accused of child abuse should immediately be sent to Prison, and laicized if found guilty. Even Cardinal Pell, a High Ranking Churchman, went to Prison, but was ultimately found not guilty. But all that aside, the vast majority of Priests are still Good Priests, and some of them are still even Saintly, like St. Padre Pio and St. John Vianney, both Priests who lived not that long ago, were. When Priests live like that again, these problems will dissipate. St. Augustine and St. Thomas of course were also Priests, one of them a Bishop or High Priest, and of course no such problem existed in their lives.
Regarding this thread topic, if Atheism is a (False) Religion, of course it will have founders, i.e. men and women who devised and propagated this erroneous philosophy. You should know John Maynard Keynes, the famous economist, said: "“Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist [like Marx, for e.g., both a bad economist and a bad atheistic philosopher]. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back”. The college we attend, the books we read, the things we hear, all these leave a lasting impact on our thought more than perhaps we realize. Another maxim that captures the essence of it is: "The philosophy of one generation is the common sense of the next". Marx, Darwin, Kinsey and others, by their bad and erroneous philosophy on some matters, prepared the way for modern Atheism.
St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas by contrast, excellent and highly learned Christian Philosophers, prepared the way for generations to remain Christian, as in fact happened, for centuries before around 1850 or so, after which Atheism steadily gained support and widespread popular appeal.
Arewethereyet, if that has been your experience, ok. You should know that, after 1960 or so, there are basically Two Churches within the Catholic Church. A Liberal Church and a Traditional Church. I don't mean just TLM-loving Catholics, who attend the Latin Mass and practice the Catholic Faith rigorously, of whom I am one - used to write for an American Catholic TLM website; now have my own - but also English Mass Catholics who take the Catholic Christian duty of striving for holiness seriously and are repulsed by that small minority of bad Priests. Since the discussion has turned to that again, I will just note Priests have a 99% success rate in rooting out pedophiles, while Secular Teachers around 95%. You rightly challenge us to make it 100% or close to that, and we agree completely that must be done - yet the same must be done in either sections of society, an it's unfair to target Priests as if all of them are pedophiles, when that's completely not true. Imo, anyone credibly accused of child abuse should immediately be sent to Prison, and laicized if found guilty. Even Cardinal Pell, a High Ranking Churchman, went to Prison, but was ultimately found not guilty. But all that aside, the vast majority of Priests are still Good Priests, and some of them are still even Saintly, like St. Padre Pio and St. John Vianney, both Priests who lived not that long ago, were. When Priests live like that again, these problems will dissipate. St. Augustine and St. Thomas of course were also Priests, one of them a Bishop or High Priest, and of course no such problem existed in their lives.